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Stables, Barbara Military Intelligence
Barbara Stables remembers they got an apartment on the third floor in a building where generals lived. [Annotator’s...
Beal, Marion Military Life
It was raining one day on base [Annotator's Note: Camp Montford Point, Jacksonville, North Carolina]. Their mattresses...
Uthes, Roy MIlitary Police
Roy Uthes grew up in Detroit, Michigan. His father was a policeman. Uthes had brothers who were also in the service. He...
Henry, Frederick Military Policeman at Tuskegee
Frederick Henry's [Annotator's Note: a Military Police officer in the US Army, stationed at Tuskegee, Alabama] job...
Gustafson, Gerald Military School
After graduating high school in 1939, Gerald “Gerry” Gustafson attended Wentworth Military Academy [Annotator’s Note:...
Ladner, Nimocks Military Service
Nimocks Foyle Ladner was seventeen when he joined the Navy. He did not want to crawl through the bushes and see the...
McKnight, Harry Military Service
Harry McKnight was born in Detroit, Michigan in July 1926. He had an older brother. The family moved to Ohio soon...
Bartels, Carl Military Service
Carl C. Bartels, M.D. [Annotator's Note: Doctor of Medicine] arrived at the beaches far enough away to see what was...
Mineta, Norman Military Service
Norman Mineta joined his father in the insurance business after his military discharge. He was at Berkley University in...
Dole, Robert Military Service and Postwar
Senator Robert "Bob" Dole [Annotator's Note: Robert Joseph "Bob" Dole, American veteran and politician] entered the...
Lamm, Edwin Military Service in the Pacific
Edwin Lamm was assigned to the Air Transport Command at Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Base [Annotator's Note: now Travis...
Vanderpool, Mildred Military Service Stateside
When Mildred Vanderpool received her orders to New Orleans [Annotator's Note: New Orleans, Louisiana] in May [Annotator...
Boutwell, George Military Service Stateside
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear ringing from interviewee’s hearing aid throughout segment.] George N. Boutwell served as a...
Ward, John Military Service Stateside
John F. Ward was very excited to find out that his commanding officer at San Angelo Airfield [Annotator's Note: San...
Honz, Burdell Military Service Stateside and Postwar
Burdell S. Hontz and his unit [Annotator's Note: Headquarters Squadron, 11th Bombardment Group] were shipped back to...
Davis, William Military Stateside
[Annotator’s Note: There is background noise throughout this segment.] William Isham Davis [Annotator’s Note: serving...
Marca, Carl Military Swap Meet
Carl Marca was a mail censor for the Army in the Pacific Theater of Operations. Sending home prohibited items and...
Nyman, Geraldine "Geri" Military Trainer Aircraft, Letters and Flying Before the War
Geraldine Nyman only knows one girl from the second graduating class of WASPs [Annotator's Note: Women Airforce Service...
Creekmore, Thomas Military Training
Thomas Creekmore did what they told him [Annotator's Note: when Creekmore was drafted January 1943]. He told his wife...
Walker, Mort Military Training
Mort Walker was just getting going in college when he got his draft notice. Walker thought the Army was a great...
Fagerstrom, Stanley Military Training
Stanley Fagerstrom did not find boot camp to be bad. He made a lot of friendships. He felt they were being well-trained...
Weaver, Henry Military Training
Henry "Buck" Weaver was born in July 1920 in Blackview, South Carolina. His father worked for the telephone company and...
Yancey, Spencer Military Training
Spencer Yancey kept up with the war overseas. When Pearl Harbor was bombed [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on...
Asher, Adolph Military Training
Adolph Edward Asher's [Annotator's Note: with the 45th Infantry Division] ship was sunk by a U-boat [Annotator's Note:...
Simon, Albert Military Training
Albert Simon went to school until to the seventh grade. He had to go to work on the farm in the third grade. He had to...
Baxter, Lionel Military Training and Field Life
Lionel Baxter was trained to handle ammunition [Annotator's Note: as part of a gun crew in Battery A, 941st Field...
Lehker, Roland Military Training and Service Stateside
After 16 months of school at Southwestern Louisiana Institute of Liberal and Technical Learning [Annotator's Note: now...
Gemperline, Eugene Military Training and War's End
Eugene J. Gemperline reported to San Angelo, Texas [Annotator's Note: San Angelo Army Airfield] for bombardier training...
Cummings, Mary Military Training on the Beach
Because Mary Cummings [Annotator's Note: in the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service; United States Naval...
Cook, Edward Military Training to the Bulge
After graduating high school at 17 years old, Edward J. Cook found work with the New York Life Insurance Company as a...
White, Dee Military-Minded Boy
Dee Wayne White was born in September 1929 in Chester, Idaho. At age eight, his parents divorced, and he moved with his...
Ledesma, Trinidad Mindanao and Kamikazes
Trinidad Ledesma volunteered to be a code clerk in headquarters where he thought he would be safer. He was shown a...
Savage, Frank Mindanao and Returning Home
Frank Savage was surprised to be relieving the 31st Infantry Division on Mindanao. That division was hit hard in the...
Hagans, Benjamin Mindanao Death March
Benjamin Hagans was on a PT boat [Annotator’s Note: patrol torpedo boat] that brought MacArthur [Annotator's Note:...
Kerner, John Minefields
As the Germans retreated, they laid mines along the roads. John Kerner put sandbags on the floors of the jeeps. They...
Buschmeier, Frank Mischief during downtime
Frank Buschmeier feels like he owes his life to the men who flew the plane and he owes his life to the durability of...
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