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White, Verna Marine Corps Service
While she was in boot camp, Verna White's daily routine started at five in the morning, followed by calisthenics and...
Lauderdale, Dell Marine Corps Service
Dell Lauderdale was 18 years old and working on the family farm for his father when he decided to join the Marines [...
Wells, Kenneth Marine Training
In June 1944, Kenneth Dwight Wells went by train to Parris Island [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris...
McWilliams, Donald Marine Training to New Britain
Donald G. "Mac" McWilliams joined the Marine Corps on 17 March 1943. He trained at San Diego [Annotator's Note: US...
Snyder, Kenneth Marine Training to the Marshall Islands
Kenneth T. Snyder, Sr. got his orders in May 1943. [Annotator's Note: Someone off-camera interrupts Snyder.] Snyder had...
Uthes, Roy Marriage
Roy Uthes met his wife after she had been accosted by an individual in a park. Uthes ran off the trouble maker....
Arledge, Mahlen Marriage
Mahlen Arledge was married on 24 December 1942. He was 18 and his new wife was 16 years old. She was still in high...
Gorman, Robert Marriage and Preparing for Overseas Deployment
Robert Gorman recounts his engagement and marriage to his wife, Eleanor. [Annotator's Note: Gorman enjoys remembering...
Spint, Robert Marriage and Then France
Robert Spint got married to a gal he met through a friend of his who had him write her a letter. She worked in Santa...
McCalla, Anna Married By Proxy on Tinian
When Anna McCalla Noren arrived on Tinian [Annotator's Note: Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands] on 3 August 1945 with...
Settles, Louise Married in Manila
Louise Settles had a date or two in Hollandia [Annotator's Note: Hollandia, New Guinea] and she was very disappointed....
Lux, Gerald Married Life
Gerald Wayne Lux met his wife Alice at a dance during college. [Annotator’s Note: Alice Lux participates in this...
Kent, Edward Married Life & Overseas Deployment
Edward F. Kent married his wife in November 1942 while he was at Camp Carson [Annotator’s Note: Camp Carson, Colorado...
Lux, Gerald Married Life, Part 2
[Annotator’s Note: This segment is a duplicate of the previous segment entitled “Married Life.”] Gerald Wayne Lux met...
Peak, Betty "Betty Taylor" Married to a P-38 Pilot
Betty Peak's husband got his early training in Victorville, California on the edge of the Mojave Desert. There were...
Miller, Rudolph Marrying a Holocaust Survivor
Rudolph C. Miller met his wife [Annotator's Note: Freda Miller, formerly Freda Feuer] on the street. It was snowing and...
Williams, Bernice Marrying a Marine
Bernice Williams chose the Marine Corps [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Women's Reserve] because she did not want...
Sherman, Joyce Marrying Her Pen Pal
Joyce Sherman had a pen pal. She had a cousin who was an Army nurse stationed in Italy and was corresponding with a...
Rothenberg, Judith Marseilles, Nice and Escape Attempt
Judith Rothenberg [Annotator's Note: a Belgian Jewish child at the time of the war] arrived in Marseilles [Annotator's...
Cowan, John Maturing to ROTC
John L. Cowan did not know or care what a Depression [Annotator's Note: The Great Depression, a global economic...
Beck, Carl Maxing Out His Credit in Europe
Carl Beck was in Berchtesgaden, Germany when his unit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute...
Mc Murray, Steve McMurray’s Art of War
Retracing his steps, Steve McMurray mentioned that on the way back from Iwo Jima he did a lot of pencil portraits of...
Swanson, Richard Medals and Reflections
Richard Swanson received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal [Annotator's Note: the highest non-combat decoration awarded...
Paynter, Don Medals, New York, and England
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer is looking at some war souvenirs of Donald Dean Paynter and puts the camera on some...
Angst, Lawrence Medical Training and Deployment to England
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Lawrence Angst where he was when he heard the news of the Japanese attack on...
Walker, Charles Mediterranean Cold War Duties
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Charles Walker what his most memorable experience was.] While he was flying P-...
Bache-Wiig, John Meeting a Cousin in the Air Corps
John Bache-Wiig, Jr. went to Camp Roberts [Annotator's Note: in Monterey County and San Luis Obispo County, California...
Asbury, Richard Meeting a German Pilot's Daughter
On the way back [Annotator's Note: from a mission], Richard Asbury was north of Gusten, Germany. He saw two Fw-190s [...
Dawson, Zhanna Meeting Allied Troops
Zhanna Dawson felt her first encounter with an American was ridiculous. She did not know how to react to the American...
Tamburello, George Meeting an Italian Girl
[Annotator’s Note: A dog barking and other noises are audible throughout segment.] George Tamburello moved through...
Schneider, Christa Meeting Colonel Gail Halvorsen
Christa Schneider spent nine months in the United States when her husband's job landed him in Austin, Texas. She found...
Gilmore, Selwyn Meeting Different People
When Selwyn Gilmore was in Tucson [Annotator's Note: Tucson, Arizona], there was a WAC [Annotator's Note: Women's Army...
Epstein, Ben Meeting Enemy Sailors After the War
A number of years ago, Ben Epstein recalled, he was part of a survivors' organization that found two survivors of the...
Fagot, Rosemary G. Meeting Foreign Dignitaries, V-J Day and U-Boats in Argentina
Rosemary Fagot was born an American citizen, but she had never been to to the United States until she enlisted in the...
Schleider Jr., Benjamin Meeting General Patton
Benjamin Schleider was part of a convoy of 43 ships leaving from New York City to Glasgow, Scotland. The trip took 11...
Raquepau, John Meeting George Bush
John "Jack" Raquepau first saw George Bush [Annotator's Note: George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States]...
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