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Lee, James Living in Chinatown
James Lee's parents said the attack [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941]...
Warne, Therese Living in Santo Tomas Camp
Therese Wadsworth Warne [Annotator's Note: an American child prisoner in the Philippines during World War 2] and her...
Crosby, Thomas Living in Santo Tomas Internment Camp
On 7 January 1942, Thomas Crosby and his family were sent to Santo Tomas University, Metro Manila, Philippines, which...
Thornhill, Jack Living Like a Nomad
Jack Thornhill was born in Alexandria [Annotator's Note: Alexandria, Louisiana] in 1926. In 1932 the family moved to...
Cresswell, Constance Living Through the Blitz
Constance Cresswell knew a little about the ongoing political situation and the war in Europe, but she was anxious to...
Spangenberg, Nicole Living Through the Fall of France
Nicole Sabbag Spangenberg was born in Paris [Annotator's Note: Paris, France] on 18 January 1928. She remembers her...
Landry, Coleen Local Soldiers and Coming Home
There were several bases near Coleen Landry's home in Montz, Louisiana. Camp Plauche [Annotator's Note: also known as...
Taylor, Sharon Locating the Crash Site
Dr. Sharon Estill Taylor [Annotator's Note: who decided to search for her father's remains; he was US Army Air Forces...
Herszenberg, Tola Lodz Ghetto
Tola Herszenberg was born in Lodz [Annotator's Note: Łódź, Poland] in October 1921. She had an older brother. She was...
Levy, Anne Lodz Ghetto
Anne Levy was in Lodz, Poland in 1939 when the Germans entered the city. Inhabitants thought the men would be arrested...
MacCallum, Florence London Before, During, and After War
Florence MacCallum [Annotator’s Note: a citizen of England working for the U.S. Army Joint Chiefs of Staff in London,...
Rickel, Robert London Visits and Last Mission
During his free time, Robert "Bob" Rickel slept, went to aircraft classes, or visited relatives in London [Annotator's...
Beeghly, Donald Looking Back
[Annotator's Note: Donald Beeghly served in the Army as a pointer on a 90mm antiaircraft gun in the 142nd and 143rd...
Schmitt, Warren Looking back at Malmedy
Warren Schmitt and Ted Paulch were in the same hospital [Annotators Note: after they both survived the Malmedy Massacre...
Alaniz, George Looking For Work
George Alaniz was in Texas when the war ended. He was married and his wife was pregnant. He was discharged before the...
DiSabatino, Eugene Los Alamos
Eugene DiSabatino arrived at Los Alamos and discovered that it sat on top of a mountain. In order to reach the entry to...
Mugliston, Gwendolyn Los Banos and Liberation
There were a lot of dead people being taken out of the camp [Annotator's Note: Los Baños Internment Camp] and Gwendolyn...
Kaylor, Emmett Los Banos, Going Home and Postwar Life
[Annotator's Note: Emmett Keylor served in the Army as a fuze setter on a 105mm gun crew in the 472nd Airborne Field...
Jaber, Anton Losing a Buddy Near the End of the War
They [Annotator’s Note: Anton Jaber and other American forces] had been on the Roer River where the dam had been...
Rankart, Marie Losing a Loved One and Gaining a New One
Marie Rankart was at a dress shop in Elizabeth, New Jersey buying a dress when she heard the news that the war was over...
Dillon, Gerard Losing a Man and Wounded
Gerard Dillon and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd...
Bridger, Harley Losing Aircraft and Men
It was normal to lose two or three airplanes on any mission over a good target like Vienna [Annotator's Note: Vienna,...
Becker, Clarence Losing an Airplane
[Annotator's Note: Clarence Becker was a pilot flying photo reconnaissance mapping missions in Alaska in 1943.] They...
Scully, William Losing both Parents
William Scully [Annotator’s Note: born in London, England in 1922; immigrated to the United States with his American...
Nathanson, Eva Losing Family
Eva Nathanson's first memory of the Holocaust was the Saturday after Sabbath [Annotator's Note: a day of religious...
Cummings, Mary Losing Friends
Mary Cummings [Annotator's Note: in the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service; United States Naval Reserve (...
Cart, William "Bill" Losing Friends in Training
William Cart was sent down to Gillespie [Annotator's Note: Gillespie Field, El Cajon, California], an outlying field...
Howie, Alice Losing Her Husband
After war started, Alice Howie went to Arlington, Virginia to work for IBM [Annotator's Note: International Business...
Bloch, Itka Losing Her Sister
Itka Bloch worked in a synagogue. Her older sister worked in a shop. They would sew German uniforms. [Annotator's Note...
Brewer, Chester Losing His Crew
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Chester Brewer how he found out about his crew being shot down during a mission...
Cauble, Raymond Losing His Crew
Raymond Cauble lost his crew after he was wounded and was in recovery. His crew was shot down later. Cauble was wounded...
Campbell, John Losing His Papers
John Scott Campbell went to England and back. He also went to Oban, Scotland. They unloaded in Cherbourg [Annotator's...
Soong, Tsuyin Losing His Younger Brother
Tsuyin Soong notes that the Burma Road [Annotator's Note: a road linking Burma with southwest China built in 1937 and...
Borders, Charles "Wes" Losing Pilots
Charles Wesley Borders and his fellow pilots all started at about the same time. They had three flights of 11 pilots,...
Davis, Edna Loss of a Friend
When Edna Davis got to Sweetwater, Texas [Annotator's Note: Avenger Field], she was in the first group there. It was a...
Wronka, Gretchen Loss of a Husband and Father
Gretchen Wronka was born in January 1944. Her parents were born in a farming area of Iowa. While her mother was in...
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