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Ramsey, Rosemary Jane Life After War Began
[Annotator's Note: Rosemary Ramsey learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941 from her...
Koone, Carl Life Among the Airmen
When Carl Koone's bomb group [Annotator's Note: 99th Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force] moved to Italy, they were once...
Dendy, Lloyd Life and Death on Pelelui
Lloyd Dendy was the company bootlegger on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu, Palau]. They made a still out of aluminum...
Lebow, Cleatus Life and Entrance Into Service
Cleatus Lebow was born in 1924 in Happy, Texas. He grew up as one of 11 children during the Great Depression, but, as a...
Purvis, Frank Life and Race on the USS Snowden (DE-246)
Frank Purvis had never been to sea before. The ship [Annotator's Note: USS Snowden (DE-246)] was commissioned with a...
Moran, John "Jack" Life and Thoughts
John Moran was home on leave when Japan surrendered [Annotator's Note: on 15 August 1945]. He had left Europe around 1...
Hissey, Paul Life as a Pilot in Europe
Paul Hissey was a replacement pilot for the squadron [Annotator's Note: 429th Fighter Squadron, 474th Fighter Group,...
Hagans, Benjamin Life as a POW
Benjamin Hagans was sent to the west side of Mindanao [Annotator’s Note: Mindanao, the Philippines]. His job was to...
Steele, Ben Life as a POW
Ben Steele was on a detail when he passed out on the side of the road, stricken with malaria. When he was finally able...
Faust, Frank Life as a Submarine Doctor
While in Hawaii, Frank Faust can remember submarines would come in for repair and overhaul, and the crew members would...
Haggerty, June Life as a WAVE
June Catherine Elliott Haggerty was 23 years old when she went into the Navy. Her brothers were in the service already...
Warne, Therese Life as an Internee
Therese Wadsworth Warne [Annotator's Note: was an American child prisoner in the Philippines during World War 2] was an...
Bodis-Wollner, Ivan Life at Bergen-Belsen
Ivan Bodis-Wollner does not remember arriving at Bergen-Belsen [Annotator's Note: Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near...
Bradley, John Life at Camp
For food, John Bradley and the internees [Annotator's Note: in the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment...
de la Vergne, Cyril Life at Mare Island
[Annotator's Note: Cyril de la Vergne was stationed at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, California.] They did...
Cascio, Roy Life at Port Moresby
Roy Cascio was stationed at Port Moresby, New Guinea. The captain of their squadron was Roy Jones. He was in the 27th...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" Life at RAF Great Dunmow
[Annotator's Note: Floyd Horne was stationed at Royal Air Force Station Great Dunmow, or RAF Great Dunmow, Little...
McCorriston, James "Fran McCorriston" Life at Sea
Because James McCorriston had attended machinist mate school, he was transferred to the B Division [Annotator's Note:...
Guderian, Emmett Life at Sea
The ship would reposition at Ulithi [Annotator's Note: Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands]. Occasionally, Japanese planes...
Rans, Robert Life at Timisu de Jos
Robert Rans was placed in a room with three other wounded prisoners of war at the Timisul de Jos prison camp in Timisu...
Daniel, Lora Life at Union Carbide
Lora E. Daniel's husband worked at Union Carbide [Annotator's Note: Union Carbide Metallurgical Plant in Sheffield,...
Scott, Donald Life Back at Home
Donald Scott, a returning prisoner of war, says he brought home a lot of things he gathered up in Germany, such as...
Reese, Lloyd Life Back Home
Lloyd Reese had been liberated from a prisoner-of-war camp in Romania in September 1945 and returned to the United...
Imahara, Walter Life Before Internment
Walter Imahara was born in February 1937 in Florin, California, a farming community just outside of Sacramento. His...
Jackson, Arthur Life Before Joining the Service
Arthur Jackson was born in Cleveland and grew up in Canton, Ohio. His father was a watch maker and eventually ended up...
Brooks, Leonard Life Before Pearl Harbor
Leonard Brooks and his family were on their way back [Annotator's Note: to the Philippines] when the Blitzkrieg started...
Gantz, Walter Life Before the Army
[Annotator's Note: There is a continuous buzzing sound throughout this clip.] Walter "Babe" Gantz does not know how he...
Swift, Robert Life Before the Army
Robert Swift was born in August 1925. He grew up on a farm without electricity. Everything was horse drawn. The farm...
Twible, Harlan Life Before the War
Harlan Twible was born in Gilbertville, Massachusetts in March 1922. He spent his first 18 years in Gilbertville but...
Grant, Olen "Reb" Life before the war
Olen Grant was born in Benton, Arkansas on 5 April 1923. After his father returned from World War I, he moved to Benton...
Yoshihashi, Tokuji Life Before the War
Tokuji Yoshihashi was born in January 1923 in Pasadena, California. He was one of five children. Times were tough for...
Rudloff, George Life Before the War
George Rudloff was born in San Francisco, California in 1923 and grew up there and in Palo Alto. His father started a...
Fisch, Robert LIfe Decisions
Robert Fisch continued to have food consumption as a first priority following his father's reinterment. [Annotator's...
Gooch, James Life During the War
James Gooch had an ice box on the outside porch. It was his job to put a signal out on the window, so the ice man knew...
Kushnir, Helen "Helen Preiss" Life During the War
[Annotator's Note: Helen Kushnir was in grade school when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941...
Lazarus, Rachel Life in a Concentration Camp
During World War 2, Rachel Lazarus and her mother were in a concentration camp together. Her mother worked in the...
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