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Kruszewski, Z. Anthony Loss of Family
Z. Anthony Kruszewski’s brother was supposed to capture a radio station. They were being killed by the Germans. His...
Samuelson, Arne Loss of Friends, Norwegian Identity, and War’s End
The first time that Arne Samuelson experienced loss in his unit [Annotator’s Note: the 99th Infantry Battalion was a...
Garcia, Ray Louis Fraser
Ray Garcia's worst experience happened in January 1945 when he could not fly because he had a cold. His best buddy,...
Morvant, Norris Louisiana Boy
Norris Morvant was born in February 1924 in Thibodaux, Louisiana and grew up on plantations in nearby L’Abadieville and...
Rodrigue, Lowell Louisiana Boy to Navy Man
Lowell Rodrigue was born in June 1924 in Edgard, Louisiana, but was raised in St. Rose, Louisiana. His father worked...
David, James Louisiana Life to a Navy Life
James Warren David was born in Youngsville, Louisiana in January 1926. During the Great Depression, his father and...
Wombacher, Delbert Louisiana Maneuvers
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Delbert Wombacher was his role was in the Louisiana Maneuvers, series of Army...
Brister, Delano Louisiana Maneuvers
Delano Brister witnessed the Louisiana Maneuvers in 1941. The operations took up much of central Louisiana including...
Moret, Calvin Love of Flying
Calvin Moret became interested in flying when he was about eight years old. Before the war started, he found himself...
Reynolds, Florence G. Love of Flying
Florence G. Shutsy-Reynolds started flying in the Stearman [Annotator's Note: Boeing-Stearman Model 75 Kaydet or PT-13...
Werner, Jack Luck
Jack Werner often wonders if the younger generation could have done what his generation did. His story should be titled...
Bussel, Norman Lucky Strike and Home
The people running Camp Lucky Strike [Annotator’s Note: Cigarette Camp, temporary staging camp; Lucky Strike between...
Jones, Johnnie Lumber Yard Worker to Southern University
Children only went to school for three months each year. After he finished school, Johnnie A. Jones, Senior's brother,...
Simon, Albert Luzon
Albert Simon was at Woodpecker Ridge in Luzon [Annotator’s Note: Luzon, the Philippines]. They landed on Leyte Island [...
Marca, Carl Mail Duties in Manila
When the war ended, Carl Marca was in Finschhafen, New Guinea. As a mail censor, he would cut an envelope open on the...
Dunford, Philip Mail Service to Peleliu
Philip Dunford received mail very infrequently. On Peleliu he was making plans to go to Maxton, North Carolina to a...
Meyer, Lois Major Martrese Thek Ferguson, Promoted to Captain and Meeting Her Future Husband
Lois Meyer's commanding officer in Arlington, Virginia was a member of the original few [Annotator's Note: the first...
Szafran, Daniel Making Aircraft Wings at Heinkel
Daniel Szafran was very young and was not aware of what was going on in Auschwitz [Annotator's Note: Auschwitz II-...
Colburn, George Making Friends in China
George Colburn went to China with the 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division [Annotator's Note: in September 1945]....
Jackson, Arthur Malarial Tests and Being in the Military
After Arthur Jackson got back to the United States [Annotator's Note: after being wounded during the Battle of Okinawa...
Purvis, Frank Man Overboard
Frank Purvis says there a lot of things that stick in your mind. One of the destroyer escorts lost a man overboard. The...
Larson, William Manchester to Munich
In early 1944, William Larson got orders overseas. He had gotten married just a few weeks before. He landed in England...
Ernest, Malcolm Manchurian Saw Mill
In Mukden, Manchuria [Annotator's Note: Hoten Camp, Mukden, now Shenyang, China], Malcom Ernest learned how to...
Gorman, Robert Maneuvers in Louisiana and Texas
After nine months at Camp Gruber, Robert Gorman and the 557th Field Artillery Battalion went to Louisiana for maneuvers...
Brister, Delano Maneuvers, POWs and Military Camps
Delano Brister's grandfather had a barn on his property that was used once during a military training operation by a...
Levee, Harris Manhattan Project
Harris H. Levee reported to the University [Annotator's Note: Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago,...
Laborde, John Manila and Loss
John Laborde was assigned to General MacArthur's [Annotator's Note: US Army General Douglas MacArthur] advance echelon...
Abadie, Melvin Manila Bay and Kamikazes
Life aboard ship [Annotator's Note: USS Appalachian (AGC-1)] was mostly hot for Melvin Abadie. The South Pacific was...
Hill, Jennings Manila, Philippines
It is hard for Jennings Paul Hill, Sr. to remember a lot. He does not remember the names of half the ships he was on....
Brister, Delano Manuevers and other Events
Delano Brister knew that the headquarters for Colonel Eisenhower [Annotator's Note: Colonel Dwight D. Eisenhower would...
Becker, Clarence Mapping the Aleutian Islands
[Annotator's Note: Clarence Becker was already serving in the Army Air Forces when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor,...
Anthony, Ray Marilyn Monroe and Others
Ray Anthony had contacts with 20th Century Fox because he had made movies there with “Sun Valley Serenade” [Annotator’s...
Stiles, John Marine Aviation Training
John Stiles went to El Toro, California [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Air Station El Toro] for aviation training. The...
Jackson, Earnest Marine Basic Training
The hardest part of the Marines Corps for Ernest Jackson was basic training and learning to obey orders. But it was a...
Fogg, Floyd Marine Brotherhood
Revisiting the time of his enlistment in the Marine Corps, Floyd Fogg said he signed up before he finished high school...
Ciotta, Angelo Marine Corps Boot Camp
Boot camp was mostly about discipline for Angelo Ciotta. They instill that you are not there for yourself but for the...
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