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Slay, Charles Never Got a Scratch
Charles Slay found out the war was over by radio. He had come down from Oregon through the desert. At night the wind...
Mikus, John New Caledonia
John Mikus, Jr. took a ship zig-zagging [Annotator's Note: a naval anti-submarine maneuver] across [Annotator's Note:...
Arledge, Mahlen New Caledonia
Mahlen Arledge and his platoon [Annotator's Note: 3rd Platoon, Company K, 3rd Battalion, 321st Infantry Regiment, 81st...
Neste, Norman A. New Duty in France
Norman Neste and the 75th Infantry Division [Annotator's Note: Neste was a member of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 289th...
Addison, Robert New Georgia
Following departure from Guadalcanal, Robert Addison [Annotator’s Note: with the 1st Marine Raider Battalion] was...
McKay, Wallace New Guinea
Wallace McKay was sent to San Francisco [Annotator's Note: San Francisco, California], where he joined the USS Pollux (...
Knight, Edwin New Guinea
Edwin Knight did not know where he was being shipped. He arrived at his destination at night and was told he was in New...
Burch, Ralph New Guinea
Ralph Burch went to signal school in San Francisco [Annotator’s Note: San Francisco, California]. He was put in the...
Votrobek, Jr., John New Guinea and Australia
After John Votrobeck graduated, he took a train through Omaha, [Annotator's Note: Omaha, Nebraska] and on 20 April [...
McKay, Wallace New Guinea and The Philippines
When Wallace McKay departed for New Guinea, he returned to Hollandia [Annotator's Note: Hollandia, New Guinea; now...
Schulman, Shirley New Jobs
While her husband, Hyman, was deployed overseas in Europe during World War 2, Shirley Sandy Schulman found a job as a...
Raner, Norman New Lieutenant
To Norman Raner, the enemy [Annotator's Note: the German Army forces he faced in the deserts of North Africa] was...
Weinthal, Siegfried New Life in America
Siegfried Weinthal was born in February 1929 in Esens, Germany, a small town in Northern Germany. His childhood did not...
Gross, Ernest New Life in America
When the war was over, all that remained of Ernest Gross' family were three brothers and a sister. He arrived in New...
Willett, Richard New Orleans and Le Havre
When Richard Willett was at Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: Camp Shelby, near Hattiesburg, Mississippi], he would go to...
Brown, Louis New Orleans Boy in the Army Air Corps
Louis J. Brown, Jr. was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in November 1925. His father was a welder by trade and stayed...
Edwards, Charles New Training and War’s End
Charles T. Edwards volunteered to go to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to train to be an aerial photographer. His wife,...
Engels, Emile News of the War and Hiding Downed Airmen
Emile Engles' parents took care to tell their children that when dealing with the Germans, and particularly the Gestapo...
Daniel, Lora News, Rationing, and Atomic Bombs
Lora E. Daniel knew what was going on with the war, but her life was so busy that she probably did not think about it...
Townsend, Joseph Newspaper Routes
Joseph Townsend was born in April 1926 in Shreveport, Louisiana. He grew up in Shreveport. He had two brothers and two...
Colburn, George Night Action on Iwo Jima
George Colburn called for a stretcher. One of the ones who brought the stretcher got hit. They put his friend,...
Armentaro, Louis Nightmares of Combat
Louis J. Armentaro thinks that maybe he could have gotten someone killed, but he had to have his sense of decency....
Hyland, Everett Nine Months Recovering in Naval Hospitals
[Annotator's Note: Everett Hyland was hospitalized after being wounded on the USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) during the...
Klenoski, Richard Ninth Mission Crash
[Annotator's Note: Richard Klenoski joined his bomber crew in Casper, Wyoming in late 1944.] He was married on New Year...
Radke Azvedo, Ingrid No Place to Hide From the Enemy Bombs
The bombings of Berlin [Annotator's Note: Berlin was bombed 363 times between 1940 and 1945] were awful for Ingrid...
Constant, Nelson No Real War News
Nelson Constant was just out there working. It was like being locked up in a room. The trees did not talk. They were...
Bass, Leon Non-violence
Leon Bass's mother always told him he did not need to use violence to solve a problem. His friends were tough guys....
Gerhard, Winnecken Normandy
Winnecken Gerhard was sent to Normandy around 15 May 1944, only a few weeks prior to the D-Day invasion [Annotator's...
Aleksandrowicz, Frank Normandy to the Battle of the Bulge
Frank Aleksandrowicz remembers that they were coming in on small ships. They went up a hill and to the bunkers on Omaha...
Abate, Sam Normandy to the Rhineland
Sam V. Abate was attached to the 1st Infantry Division [Annotator's Note: Abate was a member of Reconnaissance Company...
Craig, James North Africa
James Craig knew he would be leaving home and did not know if he would get back. He was engaged to be married. After he...
Baker, Sterling North Africa and Being Torpedoed
Sterling Baker was training in the Chesapeake Bay when he learned his unit had gone on leave and he did not get to. He...
Buckner, Jack North Africa and General Patton
Jack Buckner and his aircrew would get orders each late afternoon as to what bombs to load. They did not know the...
Boyd, Richard L. North Africa to France
Richard Boyd joined his company [Annotator's Note: Company B, 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion] as a replacement in...
Francis, Norman North versus South
Dr. Norman Francis was on a panel at the museum [Annotator's Note: The National WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana...
Luce, Dwain Northern Ireland and Normandy
Dwain Luce was staging in Northern Ireland for the invasion of Europe [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of...
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