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Corson, Eugene Okinawa and Occupation Duty
Eugene Corson went to Okinawa [Annotator’s Note: the Battle of Okinawa, codenamed Operation Iceberg, 1 April to 22 June...
Theis, Kenneth Okinawa and Postwar
Kenneth Theis [Annotator’s Note: Supply and Disbursement Officer aboard the USS Manlove (DE-36)] was part of a giant...
Johnston, Roy Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb
The worst fighting Roy Johnston experienced was at Okinawa. That's where he had his introduction to the Kamikaze...
Knapp, William Okinawa Invasion
William “Bill” Knapp was part of the Okinawa invasion on Easter morning 1945 [Annotator’s Note: Knapp was a coxswain on...
Colquitt, James Okinawa then End of War
James Roy Colquitt unloaded troops on the beach as the tide went out stranding his ship [Annotator’s Note: Colquitt was...
Darling, William Okinawa Then Returning Home
William Darling [Annotator's Note: with Company K, 3rd Battalion,1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] was told...
Ferris, Robert Okinawa, Leave, and War’s End
[Annotator's Note: Robert J. Ferris was pilot in Marine Torpedo Bombing Squadron 232 (VMTB-232) and took part in combat...
Borders, Charles "Wes" Old P-39s Found
As Charles Wesley Borders' squadron [Annotator's Note: 82nd Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 71st Tactical...
Bradley, Aubrey On Friendly Ground
The Russians appropriated German housing, and Aubrey Bradley was quartered in a home for a few days before being...
Gustafson, Gerald On Leave
[Annotator’s Note: A washing machine running in the background is audible throughout this segment. Interviewee has...
Barber, Clyde On the Farm to PBY Mechanic
Clyde Barber was born in May 1924 in Drennan, Colorado. Each of his five brothers and one sister were born in different...
Maki, Howard On the Front in Italy
Howard T. Maki had taken basic training on the 81mm mortar [Annotator's Note: M1 81mm mortar]. It was a devastating...
Heilbrun, Herbert On the Way to Becoming a Military Pilot
Herbert Heilbrun was not working the day Pearl Harbor occurred [Annotator's Note: on 7 December 1941]. On that Sunday...
Brant, Robert One Day Trip to Japan and Return Home
Robert Brant and his ship made it to Kyushu, Japan after hitting a typhoon in the Pacific. Brant recalled having ill...
Grenny, Guy One Man’s Story
Guy Grenny had a man as a patient who had grown up in California. The man was in the Signal Corps [Annotator's Note:...
Hollis, Frederick Onset of War
In the months leading up to the United States' entry into the war, the country was isolationist. Fredrick Hollis was...
Flores, Belisario Opening Camp Carson
The 2nd Infantry Division came back from fighting in Europe in the latter part of 1945. They went to Camp Swift, Texas...
Nolan, Warren Operating a Gunnery Division
The USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) had five divisions within the gunnery department. Warren Nolan had about 75 men in his...
Sandoz, James Operating the 40mm Bofors Gun
James Sandoz was drafted in 1943. He was at school when Japan invaded [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl...
Beck, Carl Operation Market Garden
Carl Beck jumped into Eerde, Holland using a leg bundle with an A6 machine gun [Annotator's Note: .30 caliber M1919A6...
Cruise, Leslie Operation Market Garden
[Annotator's Note: Leslie Cruise continuously refers to a book that he has on his lap.] Sometime in September 1944,...
Ammerman, Gale Operation Varsity
Gale Ammerman needed his weapons in the Varsity landing [Annotator's Note: Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945, Wesel,...
Curl, Robert "Bob" Operations Dragoon and Downfall
Three weeks after D-Day [Annotator's Note: the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June 1944], Robert Curl was...
Spint, Robert Opinions of Germans
Robert Spint saw a concentration camp and had opinions of the Germans. His grandfather was from Germany and was injured...
Haggerty, June Opportunities for a WAVE
June Catherine Elliott Haggerty knew very little about World War 1 because she was born in 1920. She learned a little...
Gilbert, Lawrence Ordinary Life to Army Life
Lawrence Richard "Red" Gilbert was born in April 1921 in Farmington, New Hampshire. He had an older sister and younger...
Schneider, Irwin Ordnance Depot Experiences
Irwin Schneider learned how to obtain needed ammunition and how to safely load added weapons and ammo on a PT boat. He...
Ray, Sammy Ornithology Mission
Prior to shipping out, Sammy Ray's professor and advisor from Louisiana State University, Doctor Lowry, put him in...
Rothenberg, Judith Orphanage in Cannes
Judith Rothenberg [Annotator's Note: a Belgian Jewish child who escaped to the south of France with her parents and...
Mosher, Alfred Osaka Prisoner of War Camp
One day, they [Annotator's Note: the Japanese] loaded Alfred Raymond Mosher and others onto an inland sea ferry and...
Leith, Hal OSS Postwar Activities
Harold “Hal” Leith [Annotator’s Note: as a member of the Office of Strategic Service (OSS), the forerunner of the...
Winslow, Lawson Other Veterans' War Stories
There was no doubt in Lawson T. Winslow, Junior's [Annotator's Note: a Naval Reservist aboard the USS John A. Bole (DD-...
Schmitt, Warren Out of college and into the army
Warren Schmitt was born on 18 March 1921 in Hutchinson, Kansas. He had a younger brother named Gene who also served in...
Taffel, Nathan Outbreak of War
Nathan Taffel was in Poland at the outbreak of war in September 1939. He and his family hid in the basement as they...
Broll, Walter Outlook on Life
In addition to making him more alert, the war also improved Walter Broll's outlook on life. In meeting a former Me-109...
Medway, Irwin Overseas and Combat
Irwin Medway was sent to Colorado Springs to Camp Carson [Annotator's Note: now Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado...
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