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Rothenberg, Judith Palestine
Judith Rothenberg [Annotator's Note: a Belgian Jewish child who had escaped to the south of France and then Barcelona,...
Tomkiewicz, Micha Palestine, Americans and His Odds of Survival
Micha Tomkiewicz was on a train from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp to Theresienstadt [Annotator's Note: a...
Scholl, Richard Panama Jungle Training and Deployment to New Guinea
Richard Scholl was in basic training at Camp Wolters, Texas. Training was not bad. It was bad doing jungle training in...
Gabour, James Panama to VE-Day
James Anthony Gabour's one year enlistment was extended for four more years. He was stationed in Panama as the Mess...
Goodwin, Kenneth Panay Island and Japanese Surrender
Going across the Pacific [Annotator's Note: Pacific Ocean] to the Philippines, Kenneth Raymond Goodwin stopped in Guam...
Baul, Henry Parents
When he was discharged, Henry Baul took a taxi from North Carolina to Washington D.C. He returned home to his family,...
Rubin, Mark Parents
Mark Rubin moved to Bratislava, Czechoslovakia after being liberated from Terezin [Annotator's Note: Theresienstadt...
Clancey, Michael Parents' Marine Corps Service
Michael Clancey was born in November 1946 in Detroit, Michigan. His father joined the Marines during World War 2,...
Taylor, Sharon Parents' Relationship and Search for her Father
Dr. Sharon Estill Taylor's [Annotator's Note: whose father, US Army Air Forces First Lieutenant Shannon E. Estill, was...
Komito, Joseph Parents, Friends and Reflections
Joseph Komito saw his parents for the last time on a train. The Nazis gave everyone in Komito's camp a postcard to send...
MacCallum, Florence Paris After D-Day
Florence MacCallum [Annotator’s Note: a citizen of England working for the U.S. Army Joint Chiefs of Staff in London,...
Rothenberg, Judith Paris and Free France
Judith Rothenberg [Annotator's Note: a Belgian Jewish child at the time of the war] arrived in Paris [Annotator's Note...
Ammerman, Gale Paris and Postwar Life
During Operation Varsity [Annotator's Note: Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945, Wesel, Germany], the glider pilots of one...
Fallon, John Paris Before Home
John T. Fallon had to wait to go home. He had enough points [Annotator's Note: a point system was devised based on a...
Towle, John Paris Then Home
John W. Towle was given a jeep ride after leaving the Bovary family and arrived in Paris at the 15th Air Force...
Mitchell, George Parris Island to Arlington
George Mitchell wanted to be in the Coast Artillery, but that unit was deleted, and he was drifting from job to job. He...
Stern, Guy Passover in Shreveport
In his advanced training, Guy Stern had to interrogate prisoners. They were taught four or five methods and were given...
Hamilton, George Patriotic Citizen to Navy Training
George Hamilton was born in April 1922 in West Monroe, Louisiana. Hamilton lived in five states before he was six years...
Neiman, Leon Patrol in Tinian, the Atomic Bomb, and Operating Radar
Leon J. Neiman met the native populations of Tinian [Annotator's Note: Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands] numerous times...
Larson, William Pavement Experiments
When William Larson got out of the Army [Annotator's Note: 1946], he did not intend on going back to Nebraska. His wife...
Whitman, Melvin Pavuvu
The operation on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu Island, Palau] was supposed to be in conjunction with the offensive...
Wilson, James Pavuvu to Peleliu
James Wilson got off Cape Gloucester [Annotator's Note: Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, February 1944]...
Barber, Clyde PBY Training and Patrol Duty
After the attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941],...
Cart, William "Bill" PBYs, Zeros, and Death
William Cart thought the PBY [Annotator's Note: Consolidated PBY Catalina flying boat] was a truck, but it was...
Radice, Gerard Peacetime Army to Active Army
Gerard V. Radice grew up in the Chicago [Annotator's Note: Chicago, Illinois] area. His father was an immigrant from...
Gross, Herbert Pearl Harbor
Herbert Gross recollects sending his sister off by train to the west coast when the bombing of Pearl Harbor was...
Block, Louis Pearl Harbor
Louis Block knew they were going overseas, but they did not know where. The plane before them went to Guam. When they...
Reese, Lloyd Pearl Harbor and Basic Training
Lloyd Reese was asleep, and his father woke him to tell him about the attack on Pearl Harbor. He knew that we were in...
Maresca, Frank W. Pearl Harbor and Being Drafted
Frank Maresca had just finished eating Sunday dinner and had turned on the radio to listen to a ball game. During the...
Tweedt, Vernon T. Pearl Harbor and Camp Edwards
They [Annotator's Note: Vernon Tweedt's family] had a Philco radio. When he heard the news [Annotator's Note: of the...
Smith, Arthur Pearl Harbor and Enlisting
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Arthur Smith if he recalls where he was or what he was doing when the Japanese...
Ananian, Stephen Pearl Harbor and Enlistment
Stephen Ananian was a freshman at NYU [Annotator's Note: New York University in New York, New York] as aeronautical...
Yatsu, Lawrence Pearl Harbor and Internment
Lawrence Yatsu was in the eleventh grade when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It was one of the worst incidents in...
Rackerby, Archibald "Archie" Pearl Harbor and Joining the Marines
During World War 1, Archibald Rackerby's mother worked for the Navy as a clerk. Her father worked for the Government...
Brooks, Curtis Pearl Harbor and Manila
The American School basketball team went to Baguio, Luzon, Philippines for a game against Brent School on 5 December...
Williams, Bernice Pearl Harbor and Military Training
Bernice Williams was in Milwaukee [Annotator's Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin] and heard about the attack [Annotator's Note...
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