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Baldwin, Lewis "Jack" Segment 18
Myers, Leroy Segment 18
Because of the war, those that survived were probably better off. They could get a job if they were willing to work.It...
Baldwin, Lewis "Jack" Segment 19
Ohr, Freddie Segment 19
Freddie Ohr learned that his uncle had flown as a top turret gunner in B-25 bombers based in Africa. Ohr did not know...
Wagner, Helen Segment 2
Not all of them were happy to see women [Annotator's Note: Wagner is referring to US Naval Officers in San Francisco]....
Anderson, Clarence "Bud" Segment 2
Clarence Anderson's friend Jack Stacker joined the Air Corps a year after him. Jack was a P-38 pilot and was killed on...
Gonzalez, Jesus Segment 2
Gonzales had a brother who was a guerilla who was caught by the Japanese and never returned. All they were able to hear...
Doi, Michael Segment 2
When Michael Doi and the rest of the 100th Battalion were on the French Italian border they were allowed passes to go...
Karr, Robert Segment 2
One of Karr's uncles was an original member of the American Legion when it was founded in Paris in World War I. Another...
Noack, John Segment 2
John Noack came close to washing out one time and that was in basic. One weekend they wanted to go home and see their...
Myers, Leroy Segment 2
They hurried with thier sandbags and got in their hole. The anti- aircraft guns were used the other day and had to be...
Erickson, Martha Segment 2
The judges at the essay contest [Annotators Note: in New York] were distinguished writers and figureheads. Erickson...
Rall, Gunther Segment 2
The 109's [Annotator's Note: Messerschmitt Bf-109] undercarriage wasn't very sensible. Early on when they trained...
Hopkins, Lewis Segment 2
Hopkins finished that phase in September 1941. Hopkins was assigned to Bombing Squadron 4 which operated off of the USS...
Bailey, Herman Segment 2
Bailey checked in with his draft board and was put on a bus to Camp Croft. He told the army recruiter that he wanted to...
Kuroki, Ben Segment 2
Ben Kuroki’s B-24 outfit was called to North Africa to help out with the British forces who were going against Rommel....
Stegmeier, James L. Segment 2
Stegmeier was told that he had shrapnel on his lung and that his feet appeared to be frozen. One doctor wanted to...
Ettlinger, Harry Segment 2
The Nazis were on their march throughout Europe but his family kept their trip [Annotators Note: their immigration to...
Ohr, Freddie Segment 20
Freddie Ohr got back for Marie's graduation. He had to clean up a little bit when he landed then he joined them at the...
Wagner, Helen Segment 3
Wagner was checking in after dinner when a guard stuck a gun in her back. She identified herself as Lieutenant Wagner...
Anderson, Clarence "Bud" Segment 3
Clarence Anderson felt for his wife having to see her husband and son both going off to war during the Vietnam War....
Luckadoo, John Segment 3
John Luckadoo was a copilot in the 100th Bombardment Group based at Thorpe Abbotts. Dye [Annotators Note: Glen Dye, the...
Sabol, Emil Segment 3
Stalag Luft was for airmen only. Luft is the German word for air. There were 8000 or 10000 of them there. There were...
Gonzalez, Jesus Segment 3
Gonzales is very glad that he was able to help save a life even though he lost a brother.After Gonzales' brother...
Brissie, Lou Segment 3
Lou Brissie's Uncle Robert was around the same age as he was and was more like a brother to him. Robert was already in...
Noack, John Segment 3
John Noack called the base and they sent some trucks in to pick them up. They were in a new base which was a mudhole....
Bollinger, Ardell Segment 3
Ardell Bollinger arrived in Europe in July 1943. He was shot down 23 September 1944. Bollinger’s first mission was a “...
Wicker, Benjamin Segment 3
Wicker was not fast enough so his buddy would help him swim along in the water [Annotators Note: during the attack on...
Bailey, Herman Segment 3
Bailey had been walking around the ship [Annotator's Note: the ship that was taking him to the invasion of Okinawa]. He...
Ehlers, Walter Segment 3
After the war ended in Africa they continued training in the desert. The men were given passes to go into Tunisia but...
Leisey, Alvin Segment 3
Leisey was sent to Pearl Harbor [Annotators Note: Hawaii] for surgery. They operated on his hand and back. It was a...
Ettlinger, Harry Segment 3
Ettlinger ended up going to high school for 4 years and when he graduated, he and every other fellow male student...
Wagner, Helen Segment 4
Wagner's other brother was also in the Pacific and would write to the family telling them that he was trying to meet up...
Connick Sr., Harry Segment 4
Connick recalls the atmosphere of New Orleans during the war. He remembers men being replaced by stars in the window [...
Gonzalez, Jesus Segment 4
The place where Bilibid prison once stood is now government buildings. Even though the building is gone Gonzales still...
Bishop, Charles Segment 4
[Annotators Note: Charles Bishop served in the navy aboard the destroyer USS Cummings (DD-365) then later aboard the...
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