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Greene, Whayland Rural Life to Army Life
[Annotator's Note: Video pauses frequently throughout segment.] Whayland Harvel Greene was born in February 1925 in...
Brooks, James Rural Life to Fighter Pilot
James "Jim" L. Brooks was born in January 1921 in Vinton, Virginia which was a rural area. Though his family lived on a...
Halloran, Walter Russian Payback Time
Walter Halloran was excited to see the Russians arriving to liberate his and his fellow prisoners of war. The Soviets...
Clausen, Elfriede Russians Take Over
Elfriede Clausen grew up in a German village [Annotator's Note: Lindenau, Germany] during World War 2. The Baron of the...
McAuliffe, Edwin Sacrifices
Edwin McAuliffe does not remember missing anything in particular during the war years however he knows his parents did...
Lesser, Benjamin Safety in Hungary
Benjamin Lesser reached Hungary. He had to register in the Police Office to define his uncle as his guardian. During...
Christiansen, Ejnar Sailing in Convoys
Ejnar Christiansen's hardest time sailing in convoy was trying to stay in position at night. Keeping speed was very...
Sichler, George Salerno and Anzio
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks George Sichler how their second landing, at Salerno, Italy on 9 September 1943...
Wells, Raymond San Pietro, Cassino, and Being Wounded
Raymond Wells was by himself with a .30 caliber machine gun and took out three enemy snipers. He moved to San Pietro...
Crosby, Thomas Sanitary Conditions, Entertainment and Starvation in Santo Tomas
Thomas Crosby had bad asthma as a child, so while he was living in the internment camp, he slept in a bed by the window...
Weber, Rosemarie Santo Thomas and Being Liberated
Rosemarie Weber went to school in the camp but didn't learn very much. She didn't finish 8th grade. Learning wasn't the...
Kelley, Archie Saturday Night Poker, Sunday Morning Torpedoes
On that Saturday [Annotator's Note: 6 December 1941], Archie Kelley's uncle Bruce [Annotator's Note: US Navy Commander...
Baranek, Martin Saved by a Gold Piece and Marched to Mauthausen
Martin Baranek describes how he and a friend escaped the selection process [Annotator's Note: at the Auschwitz-Birkenau...
Goodkin, Vera Saved by Raoul Wallenberg
Vera Goodkin [Annotator's Note: née Herman] saw Raoul Wallenberg [Annotator's Note: Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg; Swedish...
Morrison, Donald Saved by the New Testament
[Annotator's Notes: Donald C. Morrison served in the Army on a machine gun crew in Company K, 3rd Battalion, 38th...
Richard, Joseph Saving Sailors at Pearl Harbor
Joseph Richard was a welder aboard the USS Rigel (AR-11) when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He took a small boat...
Childs, Charles "Chuck" Saving the German People
[Annotator's Note: Charles Childs was a pilot during the Berlin Airlift in Germany.] The first time he landed, the door...
Debrick, Arnold Saving Two Young Boys
In April 1945, Arnold Debrick and the 6th Armored Division went into Buchenwald [Annotator's Note: Buchenwald...
Cart, William "Bill" SB2C Helldiver and Chip
[Annotator's Note: William Cart was assigned to Marine Scout Bombing Squadron 231 (VMSB-231) on Majuro Atoll, Marshall...
Rickel, Robert Scary Missions
Robert "Bob" Rickel went on a mission to Anklam [Annotator's Note: Anklam, Germany with the 524th Bombardment Squadron...
Kinsey, Norman School and Family Business
[Annotator's Note: Norman Kinsey arrived home from Europe in October 1945.] He drove down to Baton Rouge [Annotator's...
Lowder, James School and Overseas
[Annotator's Note: There is white noise, and the video randomly pauses throughout this clip.] James L. Lowder reported...
McCowen, William School Boy to Air Force Gunner
William McCowen was born in 1926 in Elmsford, New York. His family moved around frequently because his father worked...
Ettinger, Hugh School Boy to Navy Sailor
Hugh Ettinger was born in May 1926 in Watertown, New York. His father worked as a civil engineer, and they lived on...
Aalders, Johannes School Life Under German Occupation
Johannes Aalders started secondary school in 1943 [Annotator's Note: in Apeldoorn, Netherlands]. The headmaster had to...
Greenup, Rena Scorched Earth
Rena Greenup remembers that while living with her foster family in Moudros, she could tell that they were sympathizers...
Hollis, Frederick Scrap Drives and Rationing
Frederick Hollis contributed to the war effort through scrap drives held in Detroit. At the collection points, snow...
Livaudais, James Screw Ups
James Livaudais remembers some of the men in his company who were not exactly the best soldiers. One was named James...
Verlander, David Sea Passage and Assignment on Guadalcanal
After crossing the equator without initiation, David Verlander landed in Noumea, New Caledonia. He was trucked to an...
Stern, Guy Searching for Family
A friend of Guy Stern's had some family in the north of Germany. A month or so after V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory...
Casebonne, Louis Secluded Life
Louis E. Casebonne was born in January 1928 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His mother died when he was five years old and...
Engels, Emile Second Liberation
Emile Engles said that as long as his parents were calm under enemy fire, he was not very afraid. Sheltering in a...
Auld, Lorene Second Marriage and Louisiana
Lorene Auld's second husband's family had a laundry business in the town she lived in. She met him at the Methodist...
Johnson, John Second Navy Career
John E. Johnson's ship [Annotator's Note: USS Liddle (APD-60)] stayed in China for a few weeks, mostly for rest and...
Maynard, Mark Second War Patrol
Mark Maynard’s second war patrol on his submarine [Annotator’s Note: USS Sturgeon (SS-187)] used the deck gun to fire...
Peak, Betty "Betty Taylor" Secret B-29 and Marriage
Betty Peak worked at the Boeing Aircraft Company [Annotator's Note: in Wichita, Kansas]. Every plane had a letter...
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