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Rall, Gunther Segment 7
[Annotator's Note: for the first 35 seconds of this segment Rall is speaking German with someone in the room other than...
Gatewood, Joel Segment 7
They would constantly catch rides until they got to Paris. The third day of travel they ended up in Paris. They ate...
Duchossois, Richard Segment 8
Richard Duchossois did not witness any outbursts of anger by American servicemen. Their job was to win the war. They...
Yellin, Jerome "Jerry" Segment 8
Yellin's first grandson was born in Japan. His name is Ken. Yellin recalls meeting him for the first time. Ken wanted...
Rankin, Robert "Shorty" Segment 8
When Rankin arrives at Mitchell Field, [Annotator's Note: Mitchell Field, New York - First Air Force Headquarters] he...
Gravois, Francois "F.D." Segment 8
On Tarawa there were Japanese bunkers everywhere. They were right on the other side of the wall. They had firing ports...
De Mers, William Segment 8
DeMers met her and they danced, talked, and had a good time [Annotators Note: his future wife after returning to the...
Vessey, John "Jack" Segment 8
John Vessey had just returned from a mission when he was told that a cease fire was going into effect and the war in...
Mack, Frank Segment 8
Mack has had a good life. He worked for the Army Corps of Engineers for thirty five years. He retired in 1981. His...
Hawk, John Segment 8
Hawk estimates that his unit captured around 500 German troops after the engagement for which he was awarded the Medal...
Bollinger, Ardell Segment 8
Ardell Bollinger noticed large castles in India whereas others lived in shacks. Bollinger lived in India for about a...
Kanaya, Jimmie Segment 8
Both sides honored their gentleman's agreement to meet at the river in order to collect the bodies. There was one other...
Baptiste, Wallace Segment 8
When the 12 ships in his squadron hit Diamondhead [Annotator's Note: the volcanic crater on Oahu, Hawaii], 6 went south...
Gibbons, John Segment 8
John Gibbons has no regrets from his service during the war. He had a very successful career during which he held very...
Stegmeier, James L. Segment 8
Stegmeier thinks that it is important that we continue to study World War II. He once completed a survey stating that...
Rackley, Clifford Segment 8
Munich had a lot of hits because the railroad yards were in the middle of the city. There was a lot of damage from...
Ettlinger, Harry Segment 9
Hundreds of thousands of men lost their lives, paying the ultimate sacrifice. Ettlinger admits the Allies did not do a...
Shoens, Robert Segment 9
Robert Shoens sent a telegram to his wife in Maine to let her know that he was coming home soon. There were a bunch of...
Mack, Frank Segment 9
Mack has had a good life. He worked for the Army Corps of Engineers for thirty five years. He retired in 1981. His...
Noack, John Segment 9
John Noack notes that it was a sad day when they returned to base. Everyone was down about it. Too many of the guys...
Myers, Leroy Segment 9
The Japanese split the camp up again. Myers thinks that after the school teacher had been to the camp he said something...
Hawk, John Segment 9
Hawk says that the toughest 10 years of his life were after the war. He was trying to be the breadwinner, a Romeo, and...
Crain, Joe Segment 9
Crain watched about the first 10 minutes of the movie "Saving Private Ryan." He is normally able to keep his emotions...
Reavis, Carrel Segregated Basic and Life
Carrel Reavis took a train to Wilmington, North Carolina and then a bus to Jacksonville [Annotator's Note: Jacksonville...
Hardy, George Segregation at Keesler Field
After getting his orders, George Hardy went straight to Keesler Field, Mississippi. That train trip was an eye opener....
Maduell, Audrey Sending Pictures to Servicemen
Audrey Maduell would have servicemen ask for her pictures. One Marine was egotistical. She met him in Pensacola [...
Wood, Mary Sent Away from London
On 1 September 1939, Mary Frances Dorothy Wood and the students at her school were given noticed that they were leaving...
Salter, Cary Sent Overseas
Cary Salter went to Florida for flight training. He graduated as a second lieutenant in 1943. [Annotator’s Note: Salter...
Keller, Luba Separated from Family
Luba Keller and the working-age Jewish population of Szydłowiec, Poland were taken to an ammunition factory in...
Dillon, Gerard Separation from the Army
In Münster [Annotator's Note: Münster, Germany], Gerard Dillon got called to battalion [Annotator's Note: 2nd Battalion...
Clay, Russell Service Aboard the USS Houston (CL-81)
Russell Clay was assigned to the USS Houston (CL-81) which was being completed in Newport News, Virginia. He had his...
Carman, Victor Service After the War
Victor K. Carman got to Japan on 1 August 1945. The bombs [Annotator's Note: nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and...
Bourg, Alton Service at Fort Meade
Alton Bourg entered service in the Army at Fort Meade, Maryland [Annotator's Note: Fort George Meade, Maryland] and was...
Halloran, Walter Service between Wars
Walter Halloran returned to Fort Huachuca in Arizona with his wife and child [Annotator’s Note: this was following his...
Payne, Robert Service Decisions
Robert Payne graduated OCS [Annotator's Note: Officer Candidate School] as a Second Lieutenant and his father gave him...
Neyland, Leedell Service Discharge
Leedell Neyland got the Legion of Honor Medal [Annotator’s Note: The Legion of Honor is the highest French order of...
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