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Overseeing enemy prisoners of war
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2nd Infantry Division guarding German POWs, Schöneseiffen
Photograph. United States Army soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Division guarding German prisoners of war outside a war-...
A blindfolded Japanese prisoner is surrounded by Australian soldiers during World War II, probably in New Guinea
A blindfolded Japanese prisoner is surrounded by Australian soldiers during World War II, probably in New Guinea.
A German and American military officer speak to one another after the German officer's surrender in Všeruby, Czech Republic on 4 May 1945
A German and American military officer speak to one another after the German officer's surrender. Official caption: "...
A German Naval and a German Army officer in the custody of American officers in Cherbourg, France on 26 June 1944
A German Naval and a German Army officer in the custody of American officers. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 5963 Petrony...
A German-speaking American soldier interrogates a German prisoner in Mutzig, France on 5 December 1944
A German-speaking American soldier interrogates a German prisoner. Official caption: "6AG 7A-27515/ ETO HQ 44 28506 5...
A Japanese prisoner of war digs a foxhole on Tarawa, 1943-1944
Japanese prisoners of war; one is digging a foxhole. "Jap prisoners dig fox holes on Tarawa." Tarawa, Gilbert Islands....
Allied troops escort a large group of German prisoners up a dusty mountain road in Italy, circa 1944-45
85.Photograph. Allied [probably Brazilian] troops escorting a large group of German prisoners up dusty mountain road....
American military policeman guards German prisoners, Italy, 1943
Photograph. American military policeman guards German prisoners. Official caption on front: "MM-5-150286." Official...
American servicemen and Marshallese attending a funeral, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen and Marshallese standing at the edge of a mass grave; a Chaplin reads from a Bible over...
American servicemen and Marshallese attending a funeral, Marshall Islands
Photograph. American servicemen and Marshallese attending a funeral in a cemetery. Caption on reverse: "3315. From:...
American servicemen exiting a landing craft, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen preparing to exit a pontoon boat. Caption on reverse: "3280. From: Public Relations...
American soldier standing on a dock with his supplies in the South Pacific
Photograph. A smiling soldier standing on a dock with his sea bag and a guitar. Caption on reverse: "3146. From: Public...
American soldiers guard a group of German soldiers in France in 1944
American soldiers guard a group of German soldiers at a bridge. A soldier with an American Flag armband rests his foot...
An Allied soldier examines POW tags on two young German soldiers in Italy on 24 October 1944
347.Photograph. An Allied soldier examines POW [prisoner of war] tags on two young German soldiers. '24 Oct. 1944. 5/MM...
An American military police officer holds captive two Nazi pilots in Eschweiler, Germany on 3 December 1944
An American military police officer holds captive two Nazi pilots. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 28174 3 Dec. Credit---...
An American soldier keeps watch over a German prisoner of war in Fauvillers, Belgium, 1945
An American soldier keeps watch over a German prisoner of war. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 6359 5 Jan. Credit...U.S....
Australian Military Police watching over wounded Japanese soldiers, Labuan Island, June 1945
Photograph. Member of Australian Military Police, known as the Australian Army Provost Corps during the war, watching...
Blindfolded Japanese prisoner being helped to the deck of a submarine, PTO, 1945
Photograph. A blindfolded Japanese prisoner being helped by U.S. Marines to the deck of a submarine. Official Caption...
British soldiers overseeing German prisoners of war in Mount Camino, Italy, 1943
Photograph. British soldiers overseeing German prisoners of war in an Italian town. Official caption on reverse: "...
Captured German Army nurses in Cherbourg, France on 2 July 1944
Captured German Army nurses. Note that some identifying names, units, and locations have been stricken in the caption....
Captured German general smokes a cigarette, France, 1944
Photograph. Captured German general smokes a cigarette. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-25007." Official caption on...
Captured Japanese soldier surrounded by Marines, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. Naked Japanese soldier sitting on the ground while United States Marines stand behind him with rifles at...
Captured Japanese soldiers emerging from a foxhole, Laiana, 1943
Photograph. Armed United States Army soldiers surrounding two emaciated Japanese soldiers emerging from a foxhole in a...
Captured Japanese soldiers in a landing craft, Kwajalein Atoll. 1944
Photograph. Captured Japanese soldiers in a landing craft surrounded by Coast Guardsmen. Caption on reverse: "3287....
Captured Nazi soldiers debarking an LCVP along the Rhine, Germany, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers observing captured Nazi soldiers debark from a LCVP [Landing Craft, Vehicle,...
Coast Guardsman holding a Marshallese baby, Marshall Islands
Photograph. Coast Guardsman holding a Marshallese baby on the porch of a hut; other Marshallese children pose next to...
Coast Guardsman talking to wounded German prisoners, 1943
Photograph. Coast Guardsman talking to two wounded German prisoners aboard a ship. Caption on reverse: "2046. From:...
Corralled German prisoners of war in Europe in November 1944
German prisoners of war. "ETO-HQ-44-27380. Meade. 27 Nov. Signal corps photo. German prisoners of war are segregated...
Deutsches Afrikakorps POWs, Sicily, 1943
Photograph. United States servicemen guarding Deutsches Afrikakorps [German Africa Corps] prisoners of war lined up...
Dr. Robert Ley is searched after capture near Berchtesgaden, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Dr. Robert Ley, former German Labor Front leader, being searched as he sits in his pajamas on a chair...
French soldiers keep German prisoners of war in line, Hyeres, France, 1944
Photograph. French soldiers keep German prisoners of war in line. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-2422." Official...
German Officer poses for picture in roadway, ETO
Photograph. German Officer poses for picture in roadway. Rifles stacked in background. ETO. No date
German officer speaks to his officers, ETO
Photograph. Standing German officer speaks to other German officers seated at a table. ETO. No date
German POWs are escorted onto a landing ship, tank, in Anzio, Italy, 1944
Photograph. German POWs are escorted onto a landing ship, tank, tied up at a harbor. Official caption on front: "MM-5-...
German POWs are fed American rations, Italy, 1943
Photograph. A crowd of German POWs eat American rations. Official caption on front: "MM-5-151424." Official caption on...
German POWs are marched down a roadway in Cassino, Italy, 1944
Photograph. German POWs are marched down a roadway, guarded by armed soldiers. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-662...
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