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Boy Scouts standing at attention, Louisiana, 1940
Photograph. Blurry. Line of young Boy Scouts standing at attention in Dixie cup sailor hats, white t-shirts, and shorts...
Boy Scouts troop ohotograph, Louisiana
Photograph.Troop of Boy Scouts in uniform posing with some civilian men and a sailor in front of Christmas trees....
Bridge construction at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1385. '11 July 44. Farrand. Section of bridge over Uchee Creek showing construction, Alabama Area, Fort Benning,...
Brig. Gen. G.H. Wesms greeting Maj. Gen. L.E. Hibbs at Fort Benning, Georgia on 17 July 1944
1532. '17 July 44. Milgrom. Brig. Gen. G.H. Wesms, acting Commdt. Of T.I.S. greeting Maj. Gen. L.E. Hibbs, commanding...
Brigadier General H.T. Perrin addresses men at a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1982. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Brig. Gen. H. T. Perrin, ass't Div. Commander of the 106th Inf. Div. addresses men of the...
Brigadier General Henry Perrin, Assistant Division Commander, 106th Infantry Division, addresses the troops at a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2003. '11 August 44. Barry. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin, Ass't Div. Commander, 106th Inf. Div., addresses troops of the...
Brigadier General Henry T. Perrin addresses the men of the 106th Division before a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2018. '11 August 44. Kilian. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin addresses the men of the 106th Div. before the demonstration...
Brigadier General Perrin addresses troops before the beginning of a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2007. '11 August 44. Barry. Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin, Ass't Div. Commander, 106th Inf. Div., addresses troops before...
Brigadier General Perrin watches critically during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2006. '11 August 44. Barry. During a rehersal of an Artillery-Tank-Infantry problem, Brig. Gen. Henry T. Perrin, Ass't...
Buddy tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Ga. showing how paratroops parachute folds when it stops at bottom of tower on 17 July 1944
1526. '17 July 44. Austin. Buddy tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Ga. showing how paratroops...
Buddy tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Ga., showing how parachute folds up when it stops at bottom of tower on 17 July 1944
1525. '17 July 44. Austin. Buddy tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Ga., showing how parachute...
Buddy Tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Georgia, showing how parachutes go up and down on 17 July 1944
1523. '17 July 44. Austin. Buddy Tower of Stage 'C' of paratroop training at Fort Benning, Georgia, showing how...
Bulldozer aboard an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] at San Luis Obispo, California on15 March 1944.
898. Bulldozer aboard an LST [Landing Ship, Tank]. '3-15-44. Boll. Bulldozer of the 321st Inf, 81st Div, being brought...
Bulldozer being used to clear the road across the leveled summit of Osborne's Peak, Los Burros Trail, at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944
1827. '3-22-44. Du Tiel. Pfc. Robert Novetny, B Co. 170th Engrs III Corps at the wheel of a bulldozer being used to...
Bulldozer creating new beach roads during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
992. Bulldozer creating new beach roads during amphibious training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Cye. Tec 4 L M Wallace of 155th...
Bulldozer fitted to front of tank at Fort Benning, Georgia on 8 July 1944
1352. '8 July 44. Cherry. Bull-dozer on M4 medium tank (this is something new). Bull-dozer can be attached to tank...
Bulldozer pulling trucks in training maneuvers in Morro Beach, California on 27 March 1944
1089. '3-27-44. Preciado. Bulldozer pulling trucks of 483 AAA through the soft sand in training maneuvers, Morro Beach...
Bulletin board listing daily activities at training camp in California on 25 February 1944
731. Two US servicemen examining bulletin board listing daily activities as camp. '2-25-44. Barry. L to R: S/sgt Merton...
Burst of 105mm Howitzer shells dot the sky during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2011. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Burst of 105mm Howitzer shells dot the sky as M-4 medium tanks move across the fields in...
By using sand bags in place of the containers themselves, hundreds of shell cases have been saved at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1901. '3-24-44. Boll. 671st Ord Amm Co at Jolon. By using sand bags in place of the containers themselves, hundreds of...
Calisthenics outside barracks at training camp in California on 25 February 1944
Servicemen doing calisthenics outside barracks at training camp. "2-25-44. Barry. 'I' Co's weapons platoon, 3rd Bn....
Camouflaged 1 ton weapons carrier at San Luis Obispo, California. 30 March 1944.
1048. '3-30-44. Hussey. Camouflaged 1 ton weapons carrier. Main use is as prime mover for 57 mm gun of 323 A T Co....
Camouflaged 105mm howitzer at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 October 1944
1721. '12 Oct 44. Paik. Camouflaged 105mm howitzer from C Battery 607 FA Bn, 71st Div at Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-...
Canadian colonels watching artillery fire at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944
1341. '6 July 44. Zoff. Left to right, Col. W.B. Negloughlin and Lt. Col. R. Richmond of the Canadian Army small arms...
Canadian or French soldier shakes hand of U.S. Army soldier in San Luis Obispo, California on 26 April 1944
1222. Canadian or French soldier shakes hand of U.S. Army soldier. "168-L-44-1309." Likely Camp San Luis Obispo,...
Canopy and cover of a three chute cluster made at Fort Benning, Georgia on 24 July 1944
1557. '24 July 44. Wallis. Canopy and cover of a three (3) 'chute cluster made at Rigging School, T.P.S., Ft. Benning,...
Canopy and cover of a three chute cluster made at Fort Benning, Georgia on 24 July 1944
1558. '24 July 44. Wallis. Canopy and cover of a parachute made from the Rigging School, T.P.S., at Ft. Benning,...
Capt. Marion using a handset, Fort Sill, 1944
Photograph. Captain Marion talking into a handset telephone attached to a tree in a snow-covered wooded area. Personal...
Capt. Weiss and another serviceman in the United States in March 1945
Captain Thomas E. Weiss and unidentified serviceman. "3. This shows I've gained a little weight. March 45." Location...
Captain congratulating 50,000th officer candidate at Fort Benning, Georgia on 14 September 1944
1607. '14 Sept. 44. Cherry. Capt. Joseph K. O'Leary congratulating the 50,000th O.C.S. candidate, Angus J. McIntosh at...
Captain directs assault platoon during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944
1337. '6 July 44 Dutiel. Capt. J.B. Lyle directs assault platoon from class 341, 3rd Student Training Regt. As they...
Captain holds critique with his men after tank maneuvers at Camp Cooke in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
1199. '3-28-44. Zoff. Capt. Richard Dozier, Co. C., 710th Tank Bn, holds critique with his men after tank maneuvers...
Captain holds critique with his men after tank maneuvers near in Camp Cooke in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
1201. '3-28-44. Zoff. Capt. Richard Dozer Co C 710th tank battalion holds critique with his men after tank maneuvers...
Captain in the cockpit of his crashed airplane at Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1272. 'View showing Capt. C. C. Bohannan, of the 71st Division Artillery sitting in the cockpit of his L-4 [Piper Cub]...
Captain of a parachute infantry battalion briefing officers at Dawson Field, Georgia on 27 June 1944
1295. '27 June 1944. Boll. Capt. A. Wallau of Hq. Co. 542 Para. Inf. Bn. is shown briefing officers of his Bn. who are...
Captain of a parachute infantry battalion briefing officers at Dawson Field, Georgia on 27 June 1944
1296. '27 June 1944. Boll. Captain A. Wallau of Hq. Co. 542 Parachute Infantry Battalion is shown briefing officers of...
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