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Severe damage to German equipment and railroad cars at an Italian railyard after bombings by Allied forces in Lagaro, Italy on 24 November 1944
366.Photograph. Severe damage to German equipment and railroad cars at an Italian railyard after bombings by Allied...
Royal Irish Rifles soldier ringing bell of church in Firenzuola, Italy on 29 December 1944
529.Photograph. '29 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-32556. Fifth Army, Firenzuola, Italy. 'Ring out the old, ring in the new!' on top...
An African American and white soldiers praying with Italian citizens at a midnight mass on Christmas Eve in Italy, 24 December 1944.
20.Photograph. An African American and white soldiers praying with Italian citizens at a Midnight Mass on Christmas eve...
Engineers creating gravel for road repairs near Monghidoro, Italy in November 1944
367.Photograph. Engineers creating gravel for road repairs. '21 Nov 1944. 5/MM-44-30341. Fifth Army, Monghidoro Area,...
1980th Engineers Platoon member with identification tool in Italy in December 1944
530.Photograph. "28 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-32573. Fifth Army, Sesto Area, Italy. S/Sgt. John Kindler holding board which was...
A British solider holds a young Italian girl wearing a fur coat at an Allied Military Government-sponsored party in Italy on 25 December 1944.
21. Photograph. A British solider holds a young Italian girl wearing a fur coat at an Allied Military Government-...
General Mark Clark's jeep driving along a muddy road at Radicosa, Italy on 28 November 1944
368.Photograph. Lt. General Mark Clark's jeep driving along muddy road. '28 Nov 44. CG-2954. Fifth Army, Radicosa,...
Tired troops of the 92nd Division, are being sent to the rear during the German offensive in Serchio Valley near Calavorno, Italy on 30 December 1944
531.Photograph. '30 Dec 44. 5/MM-45-177. Fifth Army, Calavorno Area, Italy. Tired troops of the 92nd Division (African...
Fifth Army officers work at desks in a reading room of a hotel in Rome, Italy on 30 November 1944.
22.Photograph. Fifth Army officers working at desks in reading room at hotel. '30 Nov 44. MM-44-30809. Rome, Italy....
US serviceman on patrol using binoculars near Pianaccio, Italy on 24 December 1944
369.Photograph. US serviceman on patrol using binoculars. '24 Dec. 44 (Approx) Fifth Army Pianaccio Area, Italy. 5/MM-...
Allied Military Government Christmas party for Italian children in December 1944
532.Photograph. '25 Dec. 44. 5/MM-44-32353. Fifth Army, Scarperia Area, Italy. Lt. Col. Donald Smith, helps keep the...
American patrol returns to Orsigna, Italy on 7 December 1944.
24.Photograph. American servicemen reuturning after a winter patrol. '7 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-31383. Fifth Army, North of...
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