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Everything goes by mule in the 71st on mountain maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1852. '3-24-44. J. P. Johnson. Everything goes by mule in the 71st L. Div. on Mtn. Man. In HLMR. Here is a pack mule train of the 171st Eng.
Everything was Secret
Examining paint on rifle barrels in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1169. '3-29-44. Riley.
Executive desk at the Malacañang Palace, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Executive desk at the Malacañang Palace. Manila, Philippines. 1945
Executive order 9066 and his family leaving for internment camp
When Executive Order 9066 [Annotator's Note: Executive Order 9066, or EO 9066 led the way for the internment of Japanese Americans] was implem
Exercise featuring Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in which Americans are dressed as Germans on stage during WWII at Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania
Exercise featuring Lt. Col. Lonsdale MacFarland in which Americans are dressed as Germans on stage, map of Italy in background. 'Lt. Col.
Exercise with Americans dressed as Germans on stage possibly demonstrating a surrender ceremony during WWII at Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania
Exercise featuring Lt. Col.
Exhibits of Higgins made military equipment probably in Louisiana in the 1940s
Exhibits of Higgins made military equipment probably in Louisiana1940s.
Exhibits of Higgins-made military equipment in the 1940s in Louisiana
Exhibits of Higgins made military equipment in the 1940s in Louisiana.
Expanding explosion from an atomic bomb test, New Mexico, 16 July 1945
Photograph. Expanding explosion from an atomic bomb test. Official Caption: “Rome 8/29/45 EXPLOSION OF ATOMIC BOMB RECORDED BY U.S. ARMY CAMERA.
Experiencing an Air Raid
Exploding Japanese oil barge off the coast of New Ireland, New Guinea, 1943
Photograph, aerial. Japanese oil barge exploding in open water. Official caption on front: "Bull's eye on Jap oil barge off New Ireland.