Expanding explosion from an atomic bomb test, New Mexico, 16 July 1945
Photograph. Expanding explosion from an atomic bomb test. Official Caption: “Rome 8/29/45 EXPLOSION OF ATOMIC BOMB RECORDED BY U.S. ARMY CAMERA. This series of pictures, taken from a distance of eight miles (12.8 km.) shows the explosion of an atomic bomb. The photographs were made by a U.S. Army motion camera when the new Allied weapon was tested in the southwestern U.S. state of New Mexico on July 16, 1945. The explosion was felt within a radius of 250 miles (400 km.) (The circle in the lower right of photo No. 6 has no connection with the explosion, but is believed to be a reflection within the camera lens.) Photo through U.S.I.S. Rome 43518-PNT. Approved by appropriate U.S. authority. For Display only (B and C List out) Not for publication.” New Mexico, United States. 16 July 1945