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Explosives in hand, U.S. soldiers approach a hillside cave, Okinawa Island, Japan, early 1945
Photograph. Explosives in hand, U.S. soldiers approach a hillside cave on Okinawa Island. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/4/45--U.S.
Explosives used in demolition training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1470. '12 July 44. Hussey. lb. TNT block, 1 lb. nitroctarch, 2 lb.
Explosives wired to a bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1383. '11 July 44. Hussey. TNT primer cord hookup against support of open serandel type bridge, Uchee Creek, Alabama.
Exposed leg wound, Italy, 1945
Slide. Large, open wound on the side of a leg. Italy. 1945
Exposed steel skeleton of a damaged factory, Japan
Photograph. Exposed steel skeleton of a damaged factory. Japan. 1945
Exterior compartments in a captured German dental trailer, 1945
Photograph. Valves and hoses inside a medical trailer. Stamped caption on photo reverse: "6095-R-A4-5 July 45 Norbuth / XXII Corps.
Exterior of a US Army commisary, Oahu, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldier standing on the front porch of a United States Army commissary.
Exterior of Caf Prince Henri with snow on the ground in France in 1945
Exterior of Caf Prince Henri with snow on the ground in France in 1945. "France."
Exterior of Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard at Los Angeles, California in 1943
Slide. Exterior of Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard. "Grauman's Chinese theatre." Los Angeles, California.
Exterior of Hot Springs Sanitary Hotel, China, 1945
Photograph. American serviceman standing outside of the Hot Springs Sanitary Hotel with a CCC [Chinese Combat Command] jeep in the foreground.
Exterior of large building, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Exterior of large building with many turrets visible in the distance. Fields and shrubs in the foreground. Philippine Islands. 1945
Exterior of military barracks at Kunming, China in 1945
Exterior of military barracks. "Barracks & Mess Hall. Kunming, China. Hostel #9. Hiram Boone." 1945.