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Captured German prisoners of war
Photograph. United States Army medics observe a small group of German prisoners of war. All are standing in a field next to a dirt road.
Captured German railroad train car with thousands of horseshoes piled inside, Italy, 1945
Photograph. Confiscated German train with carloads of horseshoes and blacksmith supplies.
Captured German snipers are marched through a crowd of angry civilians, Montelimar, France, 1944
Photograph. Captured German snipers are marched through a crowd of angry civilians.
Captured German soldiers in Trier, Germany on 20 March 1945.
Captured German soldiers. Official caption: "ETO HQ45 21564 20 Mar. Credit...U.S. Army Signal Corps. Photog...T/5 Russ Grant...166.
Captured German trucks containing printing presses, radio equipment, and recording equipment, Italy, 1945
Photograph. Captured German trucks containing printing presses, radio equipment, and recording equipment parked in a garage.
Captured Japanese diplomatic, military, and naval officials, Le Havre, France, 1945
Photograph. Captured Japanese diplomatic, military, and naval officials standing outside of a building; they are wearing business suits.
Captured Japanese ice making plant at Laguna Point, Guadalcanal
Photograph. Captured Japanese ice making plant at Laguna Point; American tents are setup in the background; sign on front reads "Tojo Ice Co.
Captured Japanese serviceman on an American ship
Photograph. An American sailor crouching next to a Japanese serviceman while aboard an American ship; both are smoking cigarettes.
Captured Japanese soldier surrounded by Marines, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Captured Japanese soldiers emerging from a foxhole, Laiana, 1943
Photograph. Armed United States Army soldiers surrounding two emaciated Japanese soldiers emerging from a foxhole in a jungle.
Captured Japanese soldiers in a landing craft, Kwajalein Atoll. 1944
Photograph. Captured Japanese soldiers in a landing craft surrounded by Coast Guardsmen. Caption on reverse: "3287.
Captured Japanese steamroller, Iwo Jima, 1945
Photograph. Side view of a war-damaged Japanese steamroller on war-damaged terrain; a destroyed Japanese tank is in a ditch in the middleground.