Captured Japanese diplomatic, military, and naval officials, Le Havre, France, 1945

Photograph. Captured Japanese diplomatic, military, and naval officials standing outside of a building; they are wearing business suits. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/24/45--Captured Japanese Diplomats--Japanese diplomatic, military and naval officials captured by U.S. troops in Germany wait at Le Havre, France, for shipment to the United States as prisoners of war. This group of 33 includes Hiroshi Oshima, Japanese Ambassador to Germany; Lieutenant General Mituhiko Komatsu, ranking Military Attaché, and Rear Admiral Hideo Kojima, Chief of the Japanese Naval delegation in Germany.--Signal Corps photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority, (B list out) 7191." Le Havre, France. 24 July 1945