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24th Jivebomers band in performance in Florence, Italy circa September 1944
24th Jivebombers band in performance. "24th Gen. Hospital Band, Florence, Italy." Florence, Italy. Circa September 1944
25 B-17 Flying fortresses in flight in Italy in 1945
25 B-17 Flying fortresses in flight; as seen from air base tents below.
251st Field Artillery Battalion firing M101 howitzers at Japanese forces, Philippines, 1945
25th Division GIs advance over the Balete Pass on Luzon near Carranglan in the Philippines in 1945
"25th Div G.I.s advance over Balete Pass, Luzon." [1945]
25th Division observers direct artillery fire near Naguilian in the Philippines in 1945
"25th Div observers direct artillery fire." [1945]
25th Infantry Division troops burn out a Japanese pill box at Baguio in the Philippines on 23 March 1945
"25th Div troops burn out Jap pill box." 23 March 1945
25th Infantry Division troops cross rugged terrain near the Balete Pass in the Philippines in 1945
"25th Div troops cross rugged terrain near Balete Pass." [1945]
26 September 1945
Photograph. Personal caption on photo reverse: "26 Sept 45 / Oahu, T.H.
271st Field Artillery fires on Japanese positions at Manila in the Philippines in 1945
"271st Field Artillery fire on Jap positions." [1945]
283rd Signal Pigeon Company carrying cages of pigeons to an L5 plane during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944
1858. '3-22-44. Freeney.
29th Infantry Division soldiers in Jlich, Germany in February 1945.
American soldiers hold up a sign reading "This is Jlich Germany, sorry it is so messed up, but we were in a hurry!
2nd Armored Division convoy near Münster, Germany, 1945
Photograph, aerial. 2nd Armored Division convoy lining a road surrounded by farming fields. Official caption on front: "2nd Arm'd Div.