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21st Mission over Northern France
22nd Marine Regiment cemetery on Eniwetok Island at night in 1945
22nd Marine Regiment cemetery on Eniwetok Island at night. Official caption: "22nd Marine Regiment cemetery on Eniwetok Island.
23rd Infantry Division attacking a Japanese pillbox, Bougainville Island
23rd Infantry Division attacking a Japanese pillbox, Bougainville Island
Photograph. Two United States Army soldiers from the 23rd Infantry Division attacking a Japanese fortification; a large fire is in the background.
23rd Infantry Division cruising towards towards beach, Cebu Island, 1945
Photograph. 23rd Infantry Division troops riding in landing craft towards a beach; smoke is rising on the shore.
24th General Hospital area pup tents in Tunisia
24th General Hospital area pup tents, pup tents are all along hillside.
24th General Hospital buildings in the Mediterranean theater during World War II
Tile-roofed buildings part of 2th General Hospital compound. "Scene down one of streets of our hospital.
24th General Hospital complex in Tunisia circa 1943
Aerial view of the 24th General Hospital complex, most visible are small tents on hillside.
24th General Hospital doctors in Bizerte, Tunisia circa 1943
Medical officers posing with "Headquarters 24th General Hosp." sign in front of headquarters building. "Group - day after arrival.
24th General Hospital doctors with mustaches in Bizerte, Tunisia in January 1944
Four medical officers with mustaches posing for photograph. "Left to Right - Phil Bayan - Sidney Meisnaw, Peter Everett, Tom Weiss.
24th General Hospital tennis courts in Florence, Italy circa September 1944
24th General Hospital tennis courts. "Tennis courts 24th G.H. Florence." Florence, Italy. Circa September 1944
24th General Hospital Unit passing in review at Fort Benning, Georgia circa 1942-43
Headquarters, 24th General Hospital Unit passing in review, the band standing to their left with buildings of the fort in the background.