\"Escape attempts"

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After fighting through France and Luxembourg, Henry Feldman crossed the Rhine River on pontoon bridges at Cologne,...
Robert Max vividly remembered 16 December 1944, day one of the Battle of the Bulge, as the Germans' final major effort...
Dr. Richard Pipes was born in 1923 in a small Silesian town where his father had a chocolate factory. In 1928, his...
Robert Fisch witnessed in the camps an older man talking to the younger people. He personally did not "give a damn"...
Clarence Schilperoot feels World War 2 should continue to be studied. Many of his memories are personal. They are the...
Herbert Gross and his surviving fellow Vitamin P [Annotator's Note: Vitamin P was the name of the Consolidated B-24...
Glenn Frazier heard Tokyo Rose broadcast to the defenders of the Philippines that no reinforcements were on the way. [...
Wallace Hurley faced a division of white camouflaged German soldiers who approached the American lines. The Americans...