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Rippin, Elsie WAVES Experience
On the day she was discharged [Annotator's Note: from the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES);...
Castellano, Nancy WAVES Training
Nancy Lynch Castellano was not old enough to join the WAVES [Annotator's Note: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency...
Dahme, Maud We Are All the Same Inside
Maud Dahme stayed with Christian families and attended church with them during the war [Annotator's Note: she had gone...
Weber, Norman Weber's Reunion with His Father
Norman Weber’s father was drafted into the German Army in 1941. The family was with him in Poland during 1944. He was...
Brueland, Lowell Wee Speck and Grim Reaper
Lowell Brueland named his Mustang [Annotator’s Note: North American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft] after his half-...
Tarnow, Mary Welding at Tinker Field
[Annotator's Note: A woman off camera interjects throughout this segment.] Mary Julia Tarnow was born in Mineral...
Giller, Edward West Coast to England
In April 1942, after received his pilot's wings, Edward Bonfoy Giller, Jr. was transferred to the newly built Paine...
Bradley, John West Point
John Bradley and his mother moved to the United States in 1949 [Annotator's Note: they were liberated 3 February 1945,...
Bourgeois, Emiline West Point Hospital Duty
Emiline Ann Bourgeois was stationed at West Point [Annotator's Note: as an Army nurse at the hospital of the United...
Barksdale, Battle West Point Military Academy
Battle Malone Barksdale was in H Company [Annotator's Note: Company H - unable to further identify - at the United...
Stern, Herbert West Point, Flight Training and Back to the Artillery
Herbert Stern had received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York and was...
Cauble, Raymond West Pointers
Raymond Cauble won an airplane ride in 1935. Cauble volunteered for the service due to patriotism. He says he would...
LeBlanc, Joyce Westward Progress
Joyce Leblanc followed her husband to America after a year of more paperwork and several trips to London for approvals...
Radke Azvedo, Ingrid What Happened to the Jews?
Ingrid Radke-Azvedo was on extended leave from school during the Bombing of Berlin, Germany [Annotator's Note: Berlin...
Romano, Joseph What the War Means
Joseph Romano's most memorable war experience was being hit over the head with a pistol by a fellow soldier. He did not...
Reluga, Matthew What They Fought For
Matthew A. Reluga was not capable of going to the Naval Academy [Annotator's Note: United States Naval Academy,...
Medicine Crow, Joseph White Man Runs Him
Joseph Medicine Crow had an uncle known to the Crow people as White Buffalo Turns Around. He received a new name from...
Jones, Robert Widener Estate to Martha's Vineyard
Robert Francis Jones trained dogs with the United States Coast Guard. Sometimes young recruits came in and it was...
Hollis, Frederick Willow Run
Fredrick Hollis did not witness much family talk about the conflict during World War 2. Some of his relatives served in...
McHardy, Helmi Wing Rivetting
Helmi McHardy met several people of different nationalities in Detroit [Annotator’s Note: Detroit, Michigan]. She had...
Wayne, William With The Wounded
William Wayne ran into a corpsman who was sitting with a guy who was wounded in the stomach. Wayne told them they could...
Minehira, Helene Witness to Pearl Harbor Attack
Helene Minehira and her family were on their property [Annotator's Note: in Ewa Beach, Hawaii] on the morning of 7...
Sparacino, Paul Witnessing Nuclear Explosions
Paul Sparacino thought the explosions were unreal [Annotator's Note: Sparacino served aboard the USS Princeton (LPH-5)...
Burke, Dracos Witnessing the Nuremburg Trials
For Dracos Burke, the Nuremberg trials were fascinating, because he was interested in the law. President Roosevelt [...
Allen, George Witnessing the Trinity Test
George Allen says the officer accommodations in New Mexico were okay. Most of the time they were in the field though....
Heany, Mary Women's Rights
Mary T. Heany thought it was nice to be discharged [Annotator’s Note: She was discharged from the Women’s Army Corps (...
Dendy, Lloyd Woodlark Island Bombings
Lloyd Dendy stayed in Australia about two months [Annotator's Note: April to June 1943]. He did a lot of night training...
Mancuso, Frank Work and Family in Germany
Frank Mancuso adopted a 20 month old girl from Ludwigsburg with his wife while in Germany. When his father in law...
Zygmuntowicz, Itka Work at Auschwitz
Itka Zygmuntowicz was in Auschwitz and had to work outside. She got lucky and started working in a place where the...
Frazier, Glenn Work Details
Glenn Frazier was selected for the Tayabas road detail in the Tayabas area of southeast Luzon [Annotator's Note: in the...
Elliott, Lucy Working at Higgins Industries
Lucy Elliot enjoyed the work at Higgins Industries. They had fun because they were doing something important for the...
Hymel, Rita Working at Keesler Field
Rita Hymel got married and moved to Biloxi [Annotator's Note: Biloxi, Mississippi] and went to work at the Keesler...
Peak, Betty "Betty Taylor" Working for Boeing Aircraft
Betty Peak had never had a prior job when she went to work for Boeing [Annotator's Note: Boeing Aircraft Company,...
Kerry, Margaret Working for Disney
Margaret Kerry remembers the time when no one knew if television would take over the movies. The movie stars could be...
Auld, Lorene Working for Douglas Aircraft
Lorene Auld had applied to work at Douglas Aircraft Company in Oklahoma during the war because they were looking for...
Blakey, Thomas Working for General Brereton
[Annotator's Note: An interviewer asks Thomas J. Blakey if he is familiar with US Army Lieutenant General Lewis Hyde...
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