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Tindal, Sullivan War's End and Atomic Bombs
Sullivan Tindal did not write too much to his family while he was in Europe because he did not have a lot of time and...
Rose, Olaf "Olly" War's End and Beyond
Olaf Rose became acquainted with, and courted, his future wife by mail from the Pacific. When he came home on a 30 day...
Morgan, Dorothy "Dorothy Wuestner" War's End and Closing Thoughts
Dorothy Wuestner Morgan had no trouble adjusting to civilian life. Her daughter is now 70 years old. She has three...
Jacobson, Martin War's End and Decommissioning the Team
Martin Jacobson was back in Pearl Harbor, having just missed the Battle of Leyte Gulf [Annotator's Note: Battle of...
Westbrook, James War's End and Discharge
When James Roland Westbrook [Annotator's Note: of Company F, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division]...
Raby, Glynn War's End and Discharge
Glynn G. Raby, Jr. was transferred to the 3rd Army and moved to Czechoslovakia. They arrived in pro-German territory,...
Moxon, Milton War's End and Discharge from the Army
Milton Moxon was evacuated to a military hospital in England after being severely wounded in Germany. He remained there...
Gillette, Thomas War's End and Education Experience
At the conclusion of World War 2, there were celebrations, but Thomas W. Gillette did not participate because he had...
Pocoroba, Joseph War's End and Going Home
[Annotator's Note: Pocoroba asks the interviewer to repeat himself several times throughout the interview.] Joseph...
Bollich, James War's End and Going Home
James Bollich was going to work [Annotator's Note: Bollich was a prisoner of war in Mukden, Manchuria, China] when he...
Watson, Donald War's End and Going Home
Donald G. Watson stayed a month in Austria on occupation duty after the war's end then moved to Augsburg, Austria [...
Phillips, James War's End and Going Home
James W. Phillips recalled that the warfare felt less heavy after the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of...
Zuras, Nicholas War's End and Homecoming
Nicholas J. Zuras made his way through Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii], and proceeded to join an...
Cole, John War's End and Leyte
John H. Cole was on his way to Japan for the invasion when the atomic bombs [Annotator's Note: nuclear weapons dropped...
Gambino, Elroy War's End and Occupation
lroy Gambino and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company K, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division] built...
Wergin, Earl War's End and Occupation Duty
On VJ-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory Over Japan Day, 15 August 1945], Earl Wergin [Annotator's Note: with the USS...
Schwartz, Bill War's End and Occupation Duty
Bill Schwartz's [Annotator's Note: assigned to the 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division] biggest nightmare...
Reed, Carlos War's End and Occupation Duty
Carlos Reed had to search all the houses and disarm all the civilians in Korea. He had to find the enemy from within....
Ashton, Harold War's End and Patrol Details
Harold Ashton's crew flew over 100 missions including his missions in the Atlantic. He was sent back to the United...
Mittleman, Harvey War's End and Post War
Harvey Mittleman and his unit [Annotator's Note: with the 58th Naval Construction Battalion, also known as Seabees] was...
Lodholz, Warren War's End and Post War
Warren Leo Lodholz was in Nancy, France when the war concluded in Europe in May 1945. His unit [Annotator's Note:...
Riggs, Clarence War's End and Post War
Clarence Edward "Ed" Riggs, Jr., returned to the United States on 31 August 1944. He contacted his parents by phone a...
Behr, Peter War's End and Postwar
Peter "Pete" Behr [Annotator's Note: with Company B, 1st Battalion, 383rd Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Division]...
Struble, Charles War's End and Postwar
Charles Struble learned about the atomic bombs being dropped after the aircraft returned [Annotator's Note: nuclear...
Bielec, William War's End and Postwar
After the war ended in May 1945, William F. Bielec and his unit [Annotator's Note: 184th Ordnance Medium Maintenance...
Cuniff, Claude War's End and Postwar
Claude Clifton Cuniff, Junior [Annotator's Note: assigned to the USS President Hayes (APA-20)] was at San Pedro [...
Moose, Warren War's End and Postwar
In May 1945, Warren Sanford Moose was in an army camp in Belgium working in a laboratory bus when the European war came...
Adams, J. War's End and Postwar
Jones Quincy Adams, Jr.'s worst mission was his third mission because it was the first with heavy flak [Annotator's...
Savage, Robert War's End and Postwar
While overseas, Robert Savage was aware of Japanese propaganda that was being broadcast. Savage says Tokyo Rose [...
Hollingsworth, Chester War's End and Postwar
Chester Hollingsworth was in the Pacific when the bombs were dropped [Annotator's Note: nuclear weapons dropped on...
Ginrich, Ralph War's End and Postwar
Ralph “Bud” Ginrich was not changed by his POW [Annotator’s Note: prisoner of war] experiences. Some Germans were...
Schulman, Shirley War's End and Postwar
Shirley Sandy Schulman and her husband, Hyman, corresponded daily through letters while he was deployed overseas in...
Currier, Al War's End and Postwar
Al Currier returned [Annotator's Note: from Attu Island, Alaska as a member of Company B, 1st Battalion, 159th Infantry...
Gomez, Hewitt War's End and Postwar
Hewitt Brian Gomez returned home mid July 1945 for leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of...
Hamilton, George War's End and Postwar
George Hamilton was assigned to a skeleton crew aboard the USS Orleck (DD-886) in Norfolk, Virginia when he first heard...
Dufour, O'Hearn War's End and Postwar
After getting back to the United States [Annotator’s Note: after surviving the sinking of the USS Preston (DD-379) in...
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