Military training and instruction

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LCM in water, probably Lake Pontchartrain, during the 10,000th Higgins built boat celebration in Louisiana on 23 July...
LCM unloads servicemen onto Lake Pontchartrain beach during 10,000th Higgins built boat celebration in Louisiana on 23...
LCPLs and LCMs, probably on Lake Pontchartrain, during 10,000th Higgins built boat celebration in Louisiana on 23 July...
LCPLs, LCVPs, a large Navy boat, and a US Navy barrage balloon move through Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana on 23 July...
LCPLs, LCVPs, a large Navy boat, and a US Navy barrage balloon move through Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana on 23 July...
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. LCVPs [Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel] drive up to an APA to load troops...
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. LCVPs [Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel] drive up to an APA to load troops during...
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. LCVPs [Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel] drive up to an APA to load troops...
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. LCVPs speed toward shore, presumably during amphibious training of elements of...
707. LCVPs used during amphibious training exercises. '2-25-44. Henschel. VP boats landing personnel on beachhead,...
1612. '8 Sept 44. Thompson. Lt. J.C. Webb demonstrates demolition jump equipment at the Demolition School, T.P.S. at Ft...
1515. '17 July 44. Ecklund. Lt. H. L. Thomson is just about to land after being dropped from the 250 ft. free tower...
"2098 - 135 photos - 2098. For Release: PM papers. January 31, 1944. Shakedown: The task of quickly developing fighting...
"2098 - 135 photos - 2098. For Release: PM papers. January 31, 1944. Shakedown: The task of quickly developing fighting...
2056. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Loading projectiles for 155mm How. On prime mover tractor M-5 during field problem of 'B'...
2058. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Loading projectile into breech of 155mm How. No 3 Sec 'B' Btry 592nd FA Bn during field...
2059. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Loading projectile of 155mm How. 3rd sect. 'B' Btry 592nd FA Bn during field exercises at...
2061. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Pvt. Robert J. Watis, New Orleans La. [Louisiana] loading propelling charge of 155mm How. 3rd...
1669. '6 Oct 44. Griggs. Lt Verdayn John, instructor and squad of men doing log exercises during physical training of...
1670. '6 Oct 44. Griggs. Log throwing exercise during physical training of 1st Co 3rd STR, Harmony Church Area, Fort...
1424. '10 July 44. Paik. Looking down from top of 250 ft. controlled jumping tower as parachute is going down between...
1423. '10 July 44. Paik. Looking down from the 250 ft. jump tower as parachute is going down between control cables at...
Photograph. Lord Louis Mountbatten standing on a platform and looking at Allied servicemen. Personal caption on reverse...
768. LST [Landing Ship, Tank] deck loaded with servicemen, jeeps, prime movers and artillery during amphibious training...
823. Military equipment being loaded onto and LST [Landing Ship, Tank] offshore via a pontoon bridge during training...
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. LSTs move through the water during amphibious training exercises with the 40th...
1203. '4-4-44. Griggs. Lt. Col. C. W. Gibson, inspector General of the 81st Div., at his desk in Camp San Luis Obispo,...
1202. '4-4-44. Griggs. Informal picture of Lt. Col. F. S. Ewing, Surgeon General 81st Div., at Camp San Luis Obispo,...
2068. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Standing L. to R. front row are Lt. Gen Ben Lear, AGF and Maj. Gen A. W. Jones as they review...
2075. '8 Sept. 44 Kilian. Lt. Gen. Ben Lear and staff return from inspection of the members of 422nd Inf Combat team at...
2065. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. General scene of review held at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, during Lt. Gen Ben Lear's inspection...
2090. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Lt. Gen Ben Lear, Commanding AGF, inspects troops of 422nd Inf. Regt. Combat Team, 106th Inf....
2092. '7 Sept. 44 Kilian. Members of the 423rd Inf Combat Team pass in review held for Lt. Gen Ben Lear during his...
2091. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Lt. Gen Ben Lear returns to his car after inspecting personnel and Admistration of 422nd Inf....
2067. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Lt. Gen. Ben Lear, Commanding AGF, shortly after stepping from his plane at Atterbury Army Air...
