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Group of men just arrived from Camp Robinson, Arkansas and Fort McClellan, Alabama at Fort Benning on 10 October 1944
1764. '13 Oct 44. Zoff. Group of IRTC men just arrived from Camp Robinson Ark [Arkansas] and Fort McClellan Ala [...
Group of officer candidates at Fort Benning, Georgia on 24 July 1944
1584. '24 July 44. D. Wallis. Group of OCS Students, of 14th Co. 3rd Student Training Regt. (1st row L to R) A.A....
Group of US soldiers in full combat gear stand in front of barracks, Fort Lewis, Washington, May 1943
Photograph. Group of US soldiers in full combat gear stand in front of barracks. Personal caption on photo reverse: "...
Group portrait of Sherman tank crew during training exercises in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
971. Group portrait of Sherman tank crew during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs. Co A 710th tank Bn. Camp Cooke,...
Group portrait of Sherman tank crew during training exercises in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
972. Group portrait of Sherman tank crews during training exercises. 3-28-44. Griggs. 1st platoon Co A 710th tank Bn....
Group portrait of Sherman tank crew during training exercises in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
973. Group portrait of Sherman tank crews during training exercises. '3-28-44. Griggs. 2nd platoon Co A 710th tank Bn....
Group portrait of Sherman tank crew during training exercises in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
974. Group portrait of Sherman tank crews during training exercises. 3-28-44. Griggs. 1st platoon Co A 710th tank Bn....
Group portrait of the 106th Observation Squadron during the Louisiana maneuvers, all wearing campaign hats at Natchitoches, Louisiana in 20 August 1940
Group portrait of the 106th Observation Squadron during the Louisiana Maneuvers, all wearing campaign hats at...
Gun crew lift trails of their gun as they prepare to couple it to half track prime mover at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2084. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. 3 inch TD gun crew lift trails of their gun as they prepare to couple it to half track prime...
Gun crew posing with a 75mm pack Howitzer, 1944
Photograph. Gun crew posing around a 75mm pack Howitzer in a wooded area. Presumably Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 1944
Gun position on rearward side of slope along firebreak trail during mountain maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944
1843. '3-22-44. J. P. Johnson. 75mm Pack How. Gun position on rearward side of slope along firebreak trail on ridge...
Half track and 3 inch tank Destroyer guns await orders to move out at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2081. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Half track and 3 inch tank Destroyer guns, 822nd TD await orders to move out at completion of...
Half-tracks loaded for shipment from Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 20 September 1944
2159. '20 Sept. 44 Kilian. Half-tracks of the 772nd Tank Bn., Hq Co., loaded for shipment from Camp Atterbury, Ind. 168...
Half-tracks with 3 inch anti-tank guns coupled to them await orders to move forward at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 6 September 1944
2038. '6 Sept. 44 Barry. Half-tracks with 3 inch anti-tank guns coupled to them await orders to move forward after...
Hamilton Neal and another soldier stand outside together, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Neal in military uniform stands outside in front of a tree with his arm around another soldier. Personal...
Hamilton Neal climbing up a telephone pole, Camp Kohler, California, August 1943
Photograph. Neal climbing up telephone pole wearing pole climbing boots. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Property...
Hamilton Neal in military uniform in front of a bush, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Neal in military uniform stands in front of a bush. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Hamilton M. Neal Jr...
Hamilton Neal in military uniform in front of barracks, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Neal in military uniform stands in front of barracks. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Hamilton M. Neal...
Hamilton Neal in military uniform sitting on fence, Camp Kohler, California in 1943
Photograph. Neal in military uniform sitting on fence above sign that reads "Do not sit on fence." Personal caption on...
Hamilton Neal in military uniform stands in front of a bush, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Neal stands outside in military uniform in front of a bush. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Hamilton M...
Hamilton Neal in military uniform stands near flagpole, Camp Kohler, California, August 1943
Photograph. Neal in military uniform near flagpole; howitzer in background. Personal caption on photo reverse: "...
Hamilton Neal stands at a road intersection, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Neal standing under road sign at intersection of Kohler Avenue and Midway Street. Personal caption on photo...
Hamilton Neal stands outside with another soldier, Camp Kohler, California, August 1943
Photograph. Neal in military uniform with another unidentified soldier stand together outside of a camp building and...
Hamilton Neal stands outside with his arm around another soldier, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Portrait of Neal in military uniform standing outside with his arm around another unidentified soldier....
Hamilton Neal with other servicemen fixing telephone lines, Camp Kohler, California, 1943
Photograph. Neal with other servicemen fixing telephone lines, one on top of a ladder. Personal caption on photo...
Hierarchal organizational chart of airborne division, likely at Fort Benning Georgia in 1944
1567. '168-L-44-2120.' Hierarchal organizational chart of airborne division. Army Signal Corps photograph Likely at...
Hierarchal organizational chart of airborne division, likely at Fort Benning Georgia in 1944
1568. '168-L-44-2120.' Hierarchal organizational chart of airborne division. Army Signal Corps photograph Likely at...
Hierarchal organizational chart of Infantry parachute regiment, likely at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1944
1571. '168-L-44-2124.' Hierarchal organizational chart of Infantry parachute regiment. Army Signal Corps photograph
Higgins Industries PT boat moving through water, probably on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana in the 1940s
Higgins Industries, Inc. PT boat moving through water, probably Lake Pontchartrain. Photographer: C. H. Menge. 194-
Higgins Industries, Inc. PT boats moving through water, probably on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana in the 1940s
Higgins Industries, Inc. PT boats moving through water, probably on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana in the 1940s. Higgins...
High explosives on bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 28 June 1944
1234. '28 June 1944. Preciado. C-2 stick of High Explosives on bridge blow up demonstration Demolition school Fort...
Hiram Boone and Winston Sutter posing together, Oklahoma, 1943
Photograph. Hiram Boone [left] and Winston Sutter standing next to each other in class A uniforms; houses are in the...
Hiram Boone and Winston Sutter posing together, Virginia
Photograph. Hiram Boone [left] and Winston Sutter standing in front of a train station; both are in class A uniforms....
Hiram Boone posing for a photograph, Colorado Springs, 1944
Photograph. Hiram Boone in a class A uniform leaning on a walking stick on a mountain trail; a woman in a fur coat and...
Hiram Boone posing in front of a barrack, Camp Carson, June 1944
Photograph. Hiram Boone in khaki uniform and garrison cap, pants bloused over his boots, standing at parade rest in...
Hiram Boone posing in front of a military building, Camp Carson, June 1944
Photograph. Hiram Boone in garrison camp, khaki uniform with pants bloused over boots, standing with his arms crossed...
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