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An M-2 halftrack with anti-ditching front roller parked at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1942
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An M-2 halftrack with anti-ditching front roller parked at Fort Benning. "Half...
An M-4 medium tank advancing through a cloud of dust during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2014. '11 August 44. Kilian. M-4 medium tank advancing through a cloud of dust during the problem involving the use of...
An M-4 tank rolls to the attack in the first phase of a combined Infantry-Artillery-Tank demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1974. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Rolling through a smoke screen provided by nature, an M-4 tank rolls to the attack in the 1st...
An M-4 tank throws up a smoke screen of dust as it rolls into action during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1998. '11 Aug 44. Barry. An M-4 tank throws up a smoke screen of dust as it rolls into action during an Infantry-Tank-...
An M-4 tank throws up a smoke screen of dust as it rolls into action during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1999. '11 August 44. Barry. An M-4 'General Sherman' tank throws up a smoke screen of dust as it rolls into action...
An M-5 light tank fires its 37mm cannon during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2022. '11 August 44. Kilian. M-5 light tank fires its 37mm cannon in a demonstration of its fire power during an...
An ordnance man test fires a 60mm mortar following repairs at Cape Gloucester, New Britain in September 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. An ordnance man test fires a 60mm mortar following repairs, several rounds lie...
An unidentified US serviceman at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941
An unidentified US serviceman at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941.
An unidentified US serviceman at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941
An unidentified US serviceman at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941.
An unidentified US serviceman near camp tents in North Carolina, probably at Fort Bragg in 1941
An unidentified US serviceman near camp tents in North Carolina, probably at Fort Bragg in 1941.
An unidentified US serviceman probably at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941
An unidentified US serviceman probably at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941.
An unidentified US serviceman under camp tent in North Carolina, probably at Fort Bragg in 1941
An unidentified US serviceman under camp tent in North Carolina, probably at Fort Bragg in 1941.
An unidentified US serviceman with a US Army covered cargo truck at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in 1941
1. Photograph. Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Unidentified US serviceman with US Army covered cargo truck. [1941]
Anti-aircraft artillery on way to forward positions in maneuvers in Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1096. '3-27-44. Preciado. 81st Div. A.A.A. Co. driving by HQ Co. 323 81st Div., on way to forward positions in...
Anti-aircraft firing drill during ship's shakedown
"2098 - 135 photos - 2098. For Release: PM papers. January 31, 1944. Shakedown: The task of quickly developing fighting...
Anti-aircraft gun being pulled in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1125. '3-29-44. Preciado. South of Los Osos Creek 483 AA CO of 323rd REG HQ 81st DIV getting Anti Aircraft Gun pulled...
Armaments repair class in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1136. '3-29-44. Riley. 2nd Lt. Leonard Marcum, section leader in charge of Small Arms Section and Instrument repair...
Army bulldozer pulling jeeps and trailers through sand during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
1000. Army bulldozer pulling jeeps and trailers through sand during amphibious training maneuvers. "3-27-44. Von...
Army Hour broadcast at Fort Benning, Georgia on 23 July 1944
1548. '23 July 44. Boll. Taking part in The Army Hour broadcast from Ft. Benning, Ga., are Pfc Marie McMillen, New York...
Army instructor teaches officer candidate at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 October 1944
1672. '6 Oct 44. Griggs. Candidate Robert P. Bowe, left, Army instructor in China for 2 years tells Candidate John D....
Army men rehearse rolling out steel matting over which machines move out of LSTs in beaching operations in May 1944
387.Photograph. LSTs [Landing ship, tank]. "File No: 231,224 June 6, 1944 Welcome mat rolled out of LST--Army men...
Army mules, Fort Sill, 1944
Photograph. Soldier grooming mules at a picket line; the ground is covered in snow. Personal caption on reverse: "...
Army platoons in formation
Photograph. United States Army platoons in formation in an open field. Buildings are in the background. Location...
Army platoons on a parade ground, Germany
Photograph. United States Army platoons in formation on parade ground. A city is in the background.Personal caption on...
Army prime movers towing 57mm antitank guns off of ramp connected to LST during training in California on 7 March 1944
767. Army prime movers towing 57mm antitank guns off of ramp connected to LST [Landing Ship, Tank] and onto beach...
Army private and WAC at Fort Benning, Georgia on 23 July 1944
1547. '23 July 44. Mark. L to R; Pvt Rad Hall of the Public Relations office at the Infantry School and Pfc Marie...
Army Service Forces training unit, 1942
Photograph. Four rows of officers in the 3rd Platoon, Company A, 26th Battalion of an Army Service Forces unit....
Army trailers along roadside in Whittier, Los Angeles County, California in January 1944
Slide. Army trailers along roadside. "S/LT trailers. Whittier. Jan '44." Whittier, Los Angeles County, California....
Arrival of Lt. General Ben Lear at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 7 September 1944
2062. '7 Sept. 44 Barry. Arrival of Lt. Gen Ben Lear at Atterbury Army Air Base prior to his inspection visit of 106...
Artillery crew getting into position during training in San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1101. '3-30-44. Von Stroheim 905th Field Art. Moved 1 Battery on top of hill to use direct fire on pillboxes. One crew...
Artillery loading into LST during training exercises in California on 8 March 1944
812. US soldiers loading an antitank gun onto an LST [Landing Ship, Tank] during training exercises. '3-8-44. Bradlor....
Artillery training with Howitzers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1943
Photograph. U.S. soldiers and 155mm Howitzer during training exercises in open meadow. Fort Sill, Lawton, Oklahoma....
Artillery training with Howitzers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1943
Photograph. George W. Schoeneck and other U.S. soldiers training with 155mm (millimeter) Howitzer in open meadow,...
Artillery training with Howitzers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1943
Photograph. 155mm Howitzer and U.S. soldiers during training exercises; ammunition shells visible on ground. Personal...
Artillery training with Howitzers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1943
Photograph. Distant view of soldiers during marching exercises on base; barracks in background. Personal Caption: "'Dog...
Artillery training with Howitzers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1943
Photograph. 155mm Howitzer and U.S. soldiers during training exercises; ammunition shells visible. Personal Captions...
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