Army bulldozer pulling jeeps and trailers through sand during amphibious training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 27 March 1944.
1000. Army bulldozer pulling jeeps and trailers through sand during amphibious training maneuvers. "3-27-44. Von Stroheim. The HQ Co of 1st Bn 323rd Inf had great difficulty in getting into position while establishing beachhead. Peeps as well as other vehicles were stuck and had to wait until the 155th Engr pulled them out with tractors. This shot shows 1 Ton truck being pulled out by tractor. Beach was very soft because 2nd and 3rd Bn used it earlier in the day. 1st Bn was used as reserve. Morro Bay Calif. 168-L-44-1072." Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Von Stroheim. Camp San Louis Obispo, California. 27 March 1944