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American Independence Day parade, Oslo, Norway, July 1945
Photograph. Elevated view of American Independence Day parade in Oslo, Norway. Official Caption: "Rome. 7/24/45--July...
American nurses with French children, likely in Paris, France, circa 1944-45
American nurses with young French men and boys outside of an American hospital. Likely Paris, France. Circa 1944-45
American serviceman posing with Arab guards, Transjordan
Photograph. An American serviceman posesing between four Arab guards, all of whom are wearing keffiyehs. Personal...
American servicemen and Marshallese attending a funeral, Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
Photograph. American servicemen and Marshallese standing at the edge of a mass grave; a Chaplin reads from a Bible over...
American servicemen and Marshallese attending a funeral, Marshall Islands
Photograph. American servicemen and Marshallese attending a funeral in a cemetery. Caption on reverse: "3315. From:...
American servicemen and women at an outdoor market, Manila, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Filipinos and American servicemen and women at an outdoor market in Manila. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/28/...
American servicemen posing with a camel
Photograph. Seven American servicemen sitting and standing next to a camel and its two handlers. Location unknown. No...
American soldier in Italian home, Presenzano, Italy, 1943
Photograph. American soldier stands in a bedroom with an elderly woman and a younger family member. Official caption on...
American soldier poses with Belgian civilian, Belgium, April 1945
Photograph. An American soldier and a local woman stand together outside of a building. Personal caption on photo...
American soldier with crying Italian girl in Italy in April 1944
243.Photograph. "14 April 44. MM-5-44-3654. Fifth Army, Mondragone Area, Italy. Many a G. I. has often wondered how...
American soldier with Italian civilians in Italy during World War II
Group portrait of American soldier standing with arms around young males while four adults sit on ground in front. "...
American soldier with Italian orphan at Red Cross Christmas Party in Italy 1944
535.Photograph. "24 Dec. 44. 5/MM-44-32466. Fifth Army, Monticatini, Italy. On the shoulders of Sgt. Joseph Yoast,...
American soldiers and Italian civilians move rocks after they fell onto a road around 30 December 1944 in Italy
32.Photograph. American soldiers and Italian civilians moving rocks after they fell onto a road. '30 Dec. 44 (Approx...
American soldiers and locals stand in a village, Guadalcanal, 1945
Photograph. American soldiers and locals stand outside of a thatched-roof dwelling. Personal caption: "Native shack. [...
American soldiers cross a river on outrigger canoes, aided by native islanders, at New Britain in September 1944
American soldiers cross a river on outrigger canoes, aided by native islanders. "Patrol uses native canoes to cross...
American soldiers resting near buildings near Couptrain, Mayenne, France in 1945
American soldiers resting near "buildings on farm where Don Deane bivouacked near Couptrain, France." Couptrain,...
American tanks in a village
Photograph. American tanks parked in a European village; civilians examin the tanks; a metal griffin crest hangs in the...
American tanks in a village
Photograph. American tanks parked in a European village; civilians examin the tanks; a metal griffin crest hangs in the...
American woman poses with Filipino child, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. American woman in a Santa-style dress poses with Filipino child. He is seated in a large hospital bed and...
Americans with Italian women, Salerno, 1944
Photograph. A group of American GIs stand with two Italian women. Caption reads: "Buford Duris, Diadino, Jack Losier,...
An African American sailor poses with a woman outside a building, probably in Japan in the 1940s
An African American sailor poses with a woman outside a building, probably in Japan or Korea in the 1940s
An American and a British soldier with two Italian boys under a Christmas tree on Christmas day 1944 near Scarperia, Italy
553.Photograph. An American and a British soldier with two Italian boys under a Christmas tree on Christmas day 1944...
An American and British officer speak to an Italian refugee family, Lombardy, June 1945
Photograph. An American and British officer of the Allied Military Government displaced persons and repatriation...
An American Marine holds a toddler, Okinawa Island, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Smiling American Marine holds a Okinawan child in his arms. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/20/45--A Marine...
An American military procession in the French town of Cherbourg, France on 29 June 1944
An American military procession in a French town. Note that unit flag is censored in the photograph. Official caption...
An American soldier gives candy to French children in France on 4 July 1945
An American soldier gives candy to French children. Offical caption: "ETO HQ 44 6602 Boot (5) 4 July. Credit...Signal...
An American soldier smiles at a refugee in Germany on 22 December 1944
An American soldier smiles at a refugee. Note that some identifying units and locations have been stricken in the...
An indigenous islander holds an Owen submachine gun in front of a US camp on Cape Gloucester, New Britain in September 1944
From Volume 1: South Pacific Theater. A native islander holds an Owen Machine Carbine in front of U.S. camp on Cape...
An Italian family struggles for existence on the outskirts of the battle lines near Anzio in March 1944
"File No: OOR-58430 March 4, 1944 Small Farm, Anzio As patient and hardworking as their beasts of burden, members of...
An Italian policeman on the streets of Naples, Italy in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Italian policeman in street. "Naples policeman." From box originally labeled "Italy. Naples-Capri. 44-45."...
An unidentified US serviceman with a native man on New Caledonia in November 1942
An unidentified US serviceman with a native man on New Caledonia in November 1942.
An unidentified US serviceman with native children on Guadalcanal in 1942
An unidentified US serviceman with native children on Guadalcanal in 1942.
An unidentified US serviceman with native children on Guadalcanal in 1942
An unidentified US serviceman with native children on Guadalcanal in 1942.
An unknown village in the Pacific
An unknown village in the Pacific. "Native Village." Probably on New Guinea.
Arab man smiling at camera in Ismailia, Egypt, August 1942
Local man smiling at camera; there are other local men behind him. "Arabs at Ismailia, Egypt Aug[ust]. [19]42."'...
Arab men leaning against a wall
Photograph. Four civilian men in traditional djellabas leaning against a wall. North Africa. No date
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