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Roy Uthes grew up in Detroit, Michigan. His father was a policeman. Uthes had brothers who were also in the service. He...
Camp Bowie [Annotator's Note: in Brownwood, Texas] was a major camp that could handle several regiments. At the same...
After graduating high school in 1939, Gerald “Gerry” Gustafson attended Wentworth Military Academy [Annotator’s Note:...
Harry McKnight was born in Detroit, Michigan in July 1926. He had an older brother. The family moved to Ohio soon...
Peter Hirschmann was sent to Fort Dix [Annotator's Note: now Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Trenton, New Jersey]...
Senator Robert "Bob" Dole [Annotator's Note: Robert Joseph "Bob" Dole, American veteran and politician] entered the...
Thomas Creekmore did what they told him [Annotator's Note: when Creekmore was drafted January 1943]. He told his wife...
Mort Walker was just getting going in college when he got his draft notice. Walker thought the Army was a great...
Stanley Fagerstrom did not find boot camp to be bad. He made a lot of friendships. He felt they were being well-trained...
Henry "Buck" Weaver was born in July 1920 in Blackview, South Carolina. His father worked for the telephone company and...
After completing basic training, Jack H. Bleuler was sent to Texas A...
Alvin Russo went through basic training near Baton Rouge [Annotator’s Note: Baton Rouge, Louisiana]. When he joined,...
Spencer Yancey kept up with the war overseas. When Pearl Harbor was bombed [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on...
Adolph Edward Asher's [Annotator's Note: with the 45th Infantry Division] ship was sunk by a U-boat [Annotator's Note:...
Albert Simon went to school until to the seventh grade. He had to go to work on the farm in the third grade. He had to...
Belisario de Jesus "Bel" Flores read that the brunt of the manpower in World War 2 came from the high school classes of...
Fred Hirsekorn was drafted in early 1943. After induction at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas he was sent to Camp Campbell,...
During basic training in Miami Beach [Annotator's Note: Miami Beach, Florida], Raymond Mabarac lived in a hotel for a...
Thomas Ard Sylvest enlisted in the Army Air Forces and began his training at Keesler Field in Biloxi, Mississippi. He...
In January 1943, Violet Walsh, who had never traveled north of Ruston [Annotator's Note: Ruston, Louisiana] or ridden...
Benjamin Bederson always knew he would be a scientist, but in 1942, he began his military career in the Army. He was 20...
After graduating high school at 17 years old, Edward J. Cook found work with the New York Life Insurance Company as a...
Elizabeth Barrett was at a loss, she said, as to her own husband's whereabouts or well being. When he got back to the...
Lewis S. Evans wrote letters to his girlfriend back at school, and there was one time that he did not receive any for...
Olin Pickens was born in December 1921 near Dumas, Mississippi in the small village of Locum. His father worked as a...
Lloyd Augustus Chamblin, Jr., was born in Sumner, Mississippi in July 1924. He lived in a rural community with lots of...
Warren Leo Lodholz was born in Bonne Terre, Missouri in November 1920. He grew up with four older brothers. His father...
William "Bill" Arthur Pummill was born in Crocker, Missouri in July 1921. He was the eighth of 12 children in the...
[Annotator's Note: Leon Grunte left a displaced persons camp in Germany to go to work in England.] England was very...
Jacqueline Bishop was born in March 1930 in Baltimore, Maryland. Her father was an electrician. During the Depression [...
Rothacker Smith began selling root beer to construction workers at projects around Detroit during the Great Depression...
Gerard Halpern finished high school in 1943 then took one semester at a City College before dropping out and joining...
Carl Nygren remembers Washington, D.C. was a segregated town. Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt,...
Between high school and college, Christa Schneider worked as an au pair in Britain. She cared for the three children of...
Bowdre McDowell became a volunteer at the museum [Annotator's Note: The National World War Museum in New Orleans,...
Anne Levy began volunteering at The National WWII Museum after Katrina [Annotator’s Note: Hurricane Katrina struck New...
