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Szafran, Daniel Making Aircraft Wings at Heinkel
Daniel Szafran was very young and was not aware of what was going on in Auschwitz [Annotator's Note: Auschwitz II-...
Jackson, Arthur Malarial Tests and Being in the Military
After Arthur Jackson got back to the United States [Annotator's Note: after being wounded during the Battle of Okinawa...
Halloran, Walter Maneuvers
Walter Halloran went to the area of North Carolina where he participated in the largest maneuvers ever held by the...
Hill, Jennings Manila, Philippines
It is hard for Jennings Paul Hill, Sr. to remember a lot. He does not remember the names of half the ships he was on....
Curley, Walter Marine Corps Officer Training
In his second year at Yale [Annotator's Note: Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut], Walter Joseph Patrick Curley...
White, Verna Marine Corps Service
While she was in boot camp, Verna White's daily routine started at five in the morning, followed by calisthenics and...
O'Keefe, Jeremiah Marine Fighter Squadron 323 (VMF-323)
Jeremiah "Jerry" O'Keefe's unit [Annotator's Note: Marine Fighter Squadron 323 (VMF-323), known as the "Death Rattlers...
Snyder, Kenneth Marine Training to the Marshall Islands
Kenneth T. Snyder, Sr. got his orders in May 1943. [Annotator's Note: Someone off-camera interrupts Snyder.] Snyder had...
Arledge, Mahlen Marriage
Mahlen Arledge was married on 24 December 1942. He was 18 and his new wife was 16 years old. She was still in high...
Lux, Gerald Married Life
Gerald Wayne Lux met his wife Alice at a dance during college. [Annotator’s Note: Alice Lux participates in this...
Lux, Gerald Married Life, Part 2
[Annotator’s Note: This segment is a duplicate of the previous segment entitled “Married Life.”] Gerald Wayne Lux met...
Azemar, Gerard Marseilles and Postwar
Gerard L. Azemar and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 3188th Signal Service Battalion] were assigned to communications for...
Cowan, John Maturing to ROTC
John L. Cowan did not know or care what a Depression [Annotator's Note: The Great Depression, a global economic...
Marcus, Bernard McCarthyism and Fear of Communism
In 1953, Bernard Marcus was called into the office of General Lawton [Annotator’s Note: General Kirke B. Lawton] who...
Mc Murray, Steve McMurray’s Art of War
Retracing his steps, Steve McMurray mentioned that on the way back from Iwo Jima he did a lot of pencil portraits of...
Lucas, Jack Medal Of Honor
Jacklyn Lucas got a call from the President of the United States, Harry Truman [Annotator's Note: Harry S. Truman, 33rd...
Rupp, Robert Medals and the G.I. Bill
Robert Rupp was anxious to get home, even though he had only been gone about 18 months. He had a Bronze Star [Annotator...
Cohn, Major Medical Training
Major Cohn sailed to France to attend university. He spent significant time on the voyage playing chess with a black...
Angst, Lawrence Medical Training and Deployment to England
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Lawrence Angst where he was when he heard the news of the Japanese attack on...
Weber, Rosemarie Meeting her Husband and Conditions in Santo Thomas
When Rosemarie Weber finished high school, she met a priest named Father John. Father John suggested that she look up...
Hebert, Willie Roy Meeting His Future Wife
Willie Roy Hebert kept in touch with his brothers while he was in the service [Annotator's Note: with Marine Aviation...
Bronstein, Isador Meeting his Future Wife
Isadore Bronstein met his wife while he was in Philadelphia [Annotator's Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] as a member...
Harris, Robert "Bob" Meeting his Wife
When Robert H. "Bob" Harris was sent to instructor school in Montgomery [Annotator's Note: Maxwell Fieild, now Maxwell...
Fienup, Victor Meeting Lindbergh to Enlisting
[Annotator's Note: This interview clip begins with Victor Fienup in conversation with the interviewer regarding the...
Francis, Norman Meeting Returning Veterans
Before graduating from high school, Dr. Norman Francis did very little in terms of working in the war effort. He was...
McPhail, Joe Merchant Marine Service
Joe K. McPhail signed up for the Merchant Marine in Mobile, Alabama. His uncle, Olan Nicholson, and aunt [Annotator's...
Johnsen, Erik Merchant Marine Training
Erik Johnsen's training in the US Merchant Marine at Henderson Point, Mississippi was very similar to that of a raw...
Crane, James Merchant Marine Training
James Crane got into the Merchant Marine because Roosevelt [Annotator’s Note: President Franklin D. Roosevelt and...
Massengale, Louis Message to Future Generations
The message Louis Massengale would like to leave for future generations is that every young person who can should get...
Bates, Rex Meteorology Training Program
After the Pearl Harbor attack [Annotator's Note: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941], Rex...
Cushman, Gene Military Child
Gene M. Cushman was born in 1920 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He grew up with an older brother. His father, a career...
Arrow, Kenneth Military Experience
Dr. Kenneth Arrow has advised presidents. He did not feel that his military background was a significant contributor to...
Stables, Barbara Military Intelligence
Barbara Stables remembers they got an apartment on the third floor in a building where generals lived. [Annotator’s...
Stern, Guy Military Intelligence Training
Guy Stern went to Camp Barkley, Texas for basic training. This was the training ground for medical administration. High...
Gilmore, Selwyn Military Job Skills
[Annotator's Note: A different interviewer begins asking Selwyn Gilmore questions about his postwar career.] Selwyn...
Beal, Marion Military Life
It was raining one day on base [Annotator's Note: Camp Montford Point, Jacksonville, North Carolina]. Their mattresses...
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