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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
Chaplain Harold Megill in Iceland in 1943
Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Sent in Feb. 1 1943 letter from Iceland, Chaplain H.R. Megill." Chaplain Harold Megill at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in...
Chaplain Harold Megill in front of his barracks at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Chaplain Harold R. Megill, Iceland." A Nissen hut is in the background.
Chaplain Harold Megill in front of his barracks with an organ at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Organ Chaplain H.R. Megill, Iceland." A Nissen hut is in the background.
Chaplain Harold Megill in front of his barracks with an organ at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Hut flag organs chaplain, Iceland." A Nissen hut is in the background.
Chaplain Harold R. Megill during a church service at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in 1943
"Chaplain Harold R. Megill, Iceland." Chaplain Harold R. Megill during a church service at Camp MacArthur, Iceland in...
Chaplain's jeep moving down street surrounded by remains of St. Lo, France after the breakthrough by US troops in Saint-L, France in 1945
Chaplain's jeep moving down street surrounded by bombed-out buildings. "Remains of St. Lo, France after the...
Chateau at Ramelot, Belgium in 1945
A "Chateau at Ramelot, Belgium." Ramelot, Belgium. 1945.
Child standing outside home in Hornbach, Germany, July 1945
Photograph. Child standing outside "One of the homes in Hornbach", Germany in July of 1945.
Children in traditional Central European dress in front of a medical tent
Photograph. Four young children in traditional Central European dress with medical tent in the background. For...
Children pulling a cart in a city square in Alsace, France in 1945
Children pulling a cart in a city square in Alsace, France in 1945.
Chteau d'If fortress on the island of If in the Frioul Archipelago prior to 1944
Chteau d'If fortress on the island of If in the Frioul Archipelago prior to 1944. "Wie weisser Zuckerguss heben sich...
Church in small village near site of St. Lo breakthrough in Saint-L, France in 1945
A "church in small village near site of St. Lo breakthrough." Saint-L, France. 1945.
Citizens walking towards Piccadilly Circus, England, 1945
Photograph. Civilians walking in the street towards Piccadilly Circus. Personal caption on reverse: "Looking toward...
City gate in Munich in 1945
City gate. "Munich, Germany." 1945
City street in Rambervillers, France in 1945
City street in Rambervillers, France in 1945. "Rambervillers."
City street, Berlin, Germany in April 1945
City street, Berlin, Germany in April 1945. ZIS-5 Russian truck is in the background as well as possible antiaircraft...
Cityscape of Heidelberg, Germany, July 1945
Photograph. Cityscape of Heidelberg with church spires and flowing river. Taken from an elevated vantage point....
Civilian girl on a dirt road near bushes in postwar Germany.
Civilian German girl on a dirt road near bushes in postwar Germany.
Civilian woman in postwar Germany.
Blond, civilian German woman in postwar Germany.
Civilians along a street in Ansbach, Germany in 1945
Civilians along a street in Ansbach, Germany in 1945. "Street in Ansbach, (Germany)."
Civilians and American soldiers stand at a scenic overlook in France, ETO
Photograph. Civilians and American soldiers stand viewing a cityscape at a scenic overlook. Personal caption on photo...
Civilians and German military personnel on a road in Europe in the 1940s
Civilians and German military personnel on a road in Europe in the 1940s.
Civilians and US soldiers along a river bank in Germany in 1945
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. Civilians and US soldiers along river bank.
Civilians clearing rubble from the street, Crailsheim, Germany, 1945
Photograph. German civilians smiling as they clear rubble from bombed city streets.Printed caption on photo front: "...
Civilians gathered at the side of The Mall, England, 1945
Photograph. British civilians sitting and standing on a lawn on the side of The Mall across from the Victoria Memorial...
Civilians gathered at the Victoria Memorial, England, 1945
Photograph. Civilians sitting on the "Manufacture" lion at the base of the Victoria Memorial; a large crowd is gathered...
Civilians gathering around the Victoria Memorial on VE-Day, England, 1945
Photograph, cropped. Civilians gathering around the Victoria Memorial and in front of the gates of Buckingham Palace on...
Civilians gathering at the Victoria Memorial, England, 1945
Photograph. Civilians gathering around the Victoria Memorial. Personal caption on front: "Buckingham Palace May 8, 1945...
Civilians in street of bomb damaged Nuremberg, Germany in 1945
Civilians in street of bomb damaged Nuremberg, Germany in 1945. "Nuremberg, Germany".
Civilians swinging corpse off truck in Germany
Civilians swinging corpse off truck, probably Germans insidea a concentration camp after the war's end. "Muniel,...
Civilians walk down the street flanked by bombed ruins, Ulm, Germany
Photograph. Ruins of southwestern German city of Ulm after bombing, with civilians walking through. Printed caption on...
Civilians walking behind Gen. Eisenhower's motorcade, England
Photograph, cropped. British civilians walking in the street behind General Eisenhower's motorcade; the sidewalks are...
Civilians walking through Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, 1945
Photgraph, aerial. Male and female civilians walking on a road in Buchenwald concentration camp. Personal caption on...
Civilians walking through city street in Ansbach, Germany in 1945
Civilians walking through city street in Ansbach, Germany in 1945. "Part of main street, Ansbach, Germany."
Civilians within bombed, ceiling-less railroad station in Germany in 1945. "German R.R. station after air corps worked it over."
Civilians within bombed, ceiling-less railroad station in Germany in 1945."German R.R. station after air corps worked...
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