European Theater of Operations (ETO)

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An explosion in the water off the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. "Coast of Normandy 6/6/45 [Cataloger's Note: correct...
An ornate arch or gate in Munich. "Munich, Germany." 1945
An ox and a work horse pull a cart in Europe during WWII.
Photograph.Tall fence surrounds and large paved area leads up to the SS-Caserne building. Local SS barracks in Europe....
A view of the dragon's teeth of the Siegfried Line. "Seigfried [sic] line." Germany. 1944-1945
The Siegfried Line's anti-tank dragons teeth. "Seigfried [sic] line." Germany. 1944-45
5th Armored Division in Germany in 1945. Antiaircraft guns in foxholes near small US airfield.
Apartment faade in England in 1944. "Times Square, England."
The "Arc de Triumph, Paris." Paris, France. 1945.
Armored vehicles in an open field. "ETO-HQ-44-12034. Sullivan. 20 Aug. Signal corps photo. Armored vehicles form on a...
Seven Army Air Force members sit atop a canvas covered artillery piece, some wearing German hats. The year "1945"' is...
Army Air Force serviceman inside a bunker. Europe. Probably 1945
Army Air Force serviceman James G. Piluk. The year "1945"'is typed on the front of the photograph. Europe. 1945.
Army Air Force serviceman sitting on a staircase; the Eiffel Tower can be seen in the distance behind him. 'Paris,...
Three Army Air Force servicemen kneel with their shaved heads lowered over their helmets while another man playfully...
Army Air Force servicemen lean outside of a boxcar at a railroad station or transport stop. Cobble stone pavers can be...
Army Air Force servicemen pose in front of a 40mm Bofors gun in a fortified bunker. James Piluk is third from the left...
Army Air Force servicemen pose inside of a boxcar at a railroad station or transport stop. Europe. 194-
Photograph. German children look on as an American Army convoy crosses a newly constructed bridge in Germany. “Printed...
387.Photograph. LSTs [Landing ship, tank]. "File No: 231,224 June 6, 1944 Welcome mat rolled out of LST--Army men...
Photograph. US Army nurses eating from mess kits on side of road in Virginia. Personal caption on photo reverse: "En...
Photograph. US Army nurses in uniform waiting with mess kits in line for lunch. Personal caption on photo reverse: "...
Photograph. A group of Army nurses pose for a photo with tents in the background. Personal caption on photo reverse: "...
Photograph. US Army nurses in uniform marching. Location unknown. 1943
Photograph. A group of uniformed US Army nurses posing for a picture in a field. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Va...
Photograph. A group US Army nurses in uniform and helmets sit in the back of a covered military truck. Presumably...
Army servicemen aboard what is likely a troop transport ship, possibly the USS Boise. The port can be seen in the near...
Night time artillery brightens the night sky. "ETO-HQ-45-22805. Wallis. 24 Mar. Signal corps photo. Flashes from night-...
Artillery troops around an 8 inch Howitzer under camouflage net. "3rd Gun Section." 8 inch Howitzer. Europe, location...
427. Photograph. 'File No: 209591 April 25, 1944 Navy planes sink U-Boat in two minutes! The enemy vessel is entirely...
Blurry image of Tactical Sergeant Barney Major in Nottingham, England. Circa early 1944
Barrage balloons floating above Allied ships moving toward Normandy on 6 June 1944. "File Number: 231247. Released:...
Base of the Berlin Siegessule or Victory column in Berlin, Germany in April 1945. A German Flakvierling 38 anti-...
Baseball game in postwar Germany; catcher in background.
"A. Bat. eating Thanksgiving dinner. 1st Sgt. Verlinde is right down in the very front of the picture. Iceland, 1942."...
Photograph. A bear in a zoo standing on his hind legs in a concrete enclosure while people look on from above. Bern,...
