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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Asbury, Richard The Four Musketeers
Richard Asbury does not know how he came up with the name "Queenie" [Annotator's Note: North American P-51B Mustang...
Rooney, Andrew The French and The Germans
Andrew A. Rooney went into Belgium [Annotator's Note: as a correspondent for the Stars and Stripes, American military...
Asher, Adolph The French Front
Adolph Edward Asher went to France to fight at Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy,...
Albertson, Arthur The Front Lines
Arthur Albertson was drinking and laughing with the Russians [Annotator's Note: they met the Russians when they crossed...
Burrus, William The G.I. Bill
William Burrus used the G.I. Bill to attend the University of Alabama [Annotator's Note: in Tuscaloosa, Alabama]. The G...
Leopold, Vernon The German Redoubt and Berchtesgaden
Vernon Leopold ended the war at Berchtesgaden in US Army Air Forces intelligence. He felt it was his personal victory...
Rice, Rip The German Underground
Rip Rice remembers they were trying to get the Germans to give up. They were going to take a town on the night of 18...
Colbert, Hugh The Germans Attack
On the evening of 15 December 1944, the night before the Germans opened up the massive offensive referred to as the...
Redmond, Leroy The Germans Surrender
[Annotator's Note: Leroy Redmond served in the Army as a tank crewman in Combat Command A, 14th Armored Division and...
Amram, Fred The Gestapo
Fred Amram remembers the Gestapo [Annotator's Note: German Geheime Staatspolizei or Secret State Police; abbreviated...
Tweedt, Vernon T. The Great Depression
Vernon Tweedt was born in July 1921 in Estherville, Iowa. He grew up there on a farm. [Annotator's Note: The...
Evans, James The Great Depression to Army Training
James O. Evans was born in 1925 in Rustin, Louisiana. His father owned a cotton farm and from an early age Evans worked...
McDermott, James The Great Escape Compound
James McDermott was being held in the British, North, compound at Stalag Luft III in Zagań, Poland. That is where The...
Crain, Joe The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot
Wainwright, James The Green Project
James Eyre Wainwright [Annotator's Note: a second lieutenant in the 326th Bombardment Squadron, 92nd Bombardment Group...
Burns, Lloyd The Hammelburg Raid
[Annotator's Note: Lloyd Burns was a prisoner of war in Oflag XIII-B in Hammelburg, Germany.] One afternoon, Lloyd...
Jostad, Glen The Heydekrug Run
Glen Jostad and other POWs were evacuated from their initial Stalag [Annotator's Note: Stalag Luft VI in Heydekrug,...
Goldstein, Rosette The Hideaway and Her Father
Rosette Goldstein met her father at a farm after fleeing Paris. They adored each other. She was not afraid because he...
Angst, Lawrence The Hitler Youth and Encountering Various Camps
Lawrence Angst said that the Hitler Youth [Annotator's Note: youth organization of the Nazi Party] were radical and a...
Belliard, Diana The Holocaust and the Future
Diana Belliard has never forgiven the Germans for what took place during the war. She did not lose anyone personally...
Nussenbaum, Seymour The Holocaust and War's End
[Annotator's Note: There is a loud hissing noise throughout this clip.] Seymour Nussenbaum heard about the Holocaust [...
Sadler, Richard The Home Guard
Just before he turned 16 years old, Burt Richard Sadler went to work in a factory that made grease guns for tank wheels...
Murphy, Alfred The Horrors of Flak
For Alfred Pierse Murphy, the most difficult part of succeeding in a bombing mission was the flak [Annotator's Note:...
Aalders, Johannes The Hunger Winter
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Johannes Aalders if life noticeably changed in his home when the Germans...
Flannigan, James The Hurtgen Forest and the Distinguished Service Cross
Asked to recall his worst memories of the Hurtgen Forest, James Flannigan replied, "The day I went in, 'til the day I...
Fiore, Dominick The Invasion of Normandy
Dominic Fiore [Annotator's Note: with the 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division] arrived overseas, stationed at...
Bala, Walter The Invasion of Poland and Drafted into the Air Force
Walter Bala grew up in Detroit [Annotator's Note: Detroit, Michigan]. His parents were Polish immigrants, and Bala had...
Morgan, Fred The Jump into Normandy
Fred B. Morgan, Junior [Annotator's Note: a medic with Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry...
Marr, John W The Jump into Normandy
John W. Marr and the men of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment loaded into their transport airplanes on the evening...
Rall, Gunther The Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Cox, Neil "Jack" The Korean War
Neil Cox remembers the Germans would take hostages from the school his wife went to. They would take all the Jewish...
Burkle, Henry The Korean War
Henry Burkle was in charge of periodic maintenance [Annotator’s Note: referring to his service during the Korean War,...
Langrehr, Henry The Last Good War
Henry Langrehr looks at it [Annotator's Note: World War 2] as the last good war. The country was united, we were doing...
Tangradi, Richard The Last Mission
Richard Tangradi’s last mission was to Frankfurt [Annotator’s Note: Frankfurt, Germany]. They had to abort the mission...
Brewer, Chester The Last Missions
[Annotator's Note: Chester Brewer served in the USAAF as a tail gunner aboard Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bombers...
Schmitt, Warren The last months of the war
It was not quite dark when Warren Schmitt linked up with the engineers who had stopped him [Annotators Note: Warren...
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