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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Trindal, Wesley The bunker
Gantz, Walter The Bushnell Project
Walter "Babe" Gantz volunteered for a secret mission made up of two medical officers and 58 enlisted me. They were sent...
Acevedo, Anthony The Camps
Anthony Acevedo does not know much about Bad Orb. During peace time it was a center for health. Even so, Acevedo never...
Aalders, Johannes The Canadians Arrive
The Germans occupying Johannes Aalders' family house stayed until the night before the Canadians came in [Annotator's...
Reilly, Joseph The Catholic Chaplain
Joseph Dean Reilly thinks it is important to have the museum [Annotator's Note: The National WWII Museum in New Orleans...
Rall, Gunther The closest friendships are between fighter pilots
Roberts, George The Cost of Schweinfurt
George Roberts knew the losses were severe when flying over Schweinfurt because he could see them [Annotator's Note:...
Walker, Mort The Creation of Beetle Bailey
When Mort Walker moved to New York he was the top selling cartoonist in the country. He did a lot with the Saturday...
Franzky, Gerhard The Creation of the SS and its Units
Gerhard Franzky joined the Waffen SS in order to join the best of the best. Franzky believes that anyone who is a big...
Ramsey, Frank The Crew
Frank Ramsey [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 368th Bombardment Squadron, 306th Bombardment Group, Eighth Air Force...
Howard, William The Crew
William Howard was flying in an airplane that another pilot had flown. They did not want to name their plane after his...
Elduff, James The Crew
James Elduff does not remember what made him want to fly. The training was not too much about guns. He remembers his...
Dillon, Gerard The Day Before D-Day
Gerard Dillon learned from working with General Howell [Annotator's Note: US Army Brigadier General George P. Howell]...
Spinato, Angelo The Day Before the Bulge
A lot of Angelo Joseph Spinato's time in Belgium [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 4th Platoon, 2nd battalion, 394th...
Thomas, Wilbur "Will" The Depression and Attending College
Wilbur Thomas was born in March 1923 and grew up in Swissvale, Pennsylvania with two older brothers. During the Great...
Hurd, Francis The Depression, Being Drafted and Deploying to England
Francis Hurd was born in Woodhall, New York to parents who were farmers. When he was 16 years old he was forced to quit...
Acevedo, Anthony The Diary, Faith, and Tunnels
Anthony Acevedo started his diary a little at a time. He entered information about what was happening in his area. They...
Boeke, Robert The Different German Groups
German civilians were wonderful people to Robert Boeke [Annotator's Note: with the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th...
Guitard, Robert The Draft and Atomic Bombs
Robert Guitard was drafted after graduating from high school [Annotator's Note: in 1945]. He went to Fort Williams [...
Smith, Bernard The Draft and Jewish Warriors
The attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941] did not...
Hackler, Maurice "Hack" The Drama of Combat
On the last mission that Maurice Hackler flew over Ludwigshafen [Annotator's Note: Ludwigshafen, Germany], his aircraft...
Franzky, Gerhard The Drvar Raid
Gerhard Franzky realizes that he messed up the order of events and that when he witnessed his CO [Annotator's Note:...
Schraub, Jesse The Effects of the Bulge
Jesse Schraub served in the Army as a mortarman in Company A of the 91st Chemical Mortar Battalion and took part in...
Samuelson, Arne The Emotional Toll of War and Seeing Buchenwald
Arne Samuelson [Annotator’s Note: serving in the US Army’s 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate), a unit composed of...
Roderick, David The End of the Hurtgen Forest and Being Sent Home
The artillery in the Hurtgen Forest was tree burst artillery which prevented men from digging foxholes in the cold...
Reynolds, Harley The end of the Sicilian campaign and the dreaded Screaming Mimis
Harley Reynolds thinks he was crazy to have assaulted that pillbox by himself. Only four hours before he had learned...
Stern, Guy The End of the War
Guy Stern was present in April 1945 when the allies liberated the German army prison at Torgau [Annotator's Note:...
Dabney, William G. The end of the war and attempted deployment to the Pacific
William Dabney notes that the equipment kept coming in [Annotators Note: across Omaha Beach in the days following the 6...
Curtis, William W. The End of the War and Leaving France
The skipper went ashore [Annotator's Note: in Bournemouth, England] and went to headquarters but told William Curtis...
Roderick, David The Famous 4th Division
David Roderick was a part of the 4th Division which was an experimental Division. They packed for the Pacific but never...
Bradley, Aubrey The Fate of Bradley’s Crew
Russian aircraft were strafing the area where Aubrey Bradley was being held, and he was given coffee and stale bread...
Reynolds, Harley The first 3 days in Sicily
Harley Reynolds recognizes that the invasion [Annotators Note: the invasion of Sicily] was fairly easy in terms of...
Kirkpatrick, Otto The First Mission
Otto Kirkpatrick was born in October 1921 in Marianna, Arkansas. In the summer of 1943, he graduated from navigation...
Urice, Joe The First Missions
Joel Urice was assigned to the 100th Bombardment Group [Annotator’s Note: 351st Bombardment Squadron, 100th Bombardment...
Leopold, Vernon The First Reunion
Vernon Leopold provides a description of his fellow soldiers, the commander and non-commissioned officer in his I...
Molen, Herman The First Schweinfurt Mission
Herman Molen remembers his first mission with Captain Ted Tyler, nicknamed “Hard Luck” Tyler. He did not fly a mission...
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