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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Bouck, Lyle Segment 4
Lyle Bouck did not meet many civilians in Belgium. Someone higher up had gone through the towns and villages and...
Malarkey, Donald Segment 4
There had been numerous plans for the 101st [Annotator's note: 101st Airborne Division] but none came about until the...
Anderson, Clarence "Bud" Segment 4
Clarence Anderson describes how the P-51 Mustang [Annotator's Note: North American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft] came...
Loevsky, Louis Segment 4
Loevsky washed out as a pilot and went to Navigation school. He graduated from navigation school in Hondo, Texas in...
Phoutrides, Ari Segment 4
Kerama Retto [Annotator's Note: Kerama Islands off of Okinawa] was used as a staging area for the destroyers going out...
Finkbeiner, Theodore Segment 4
Sicily was an easier operation than Italy. Theodore Finkbeiner and his company [Annotators Note: Company H, 2nd...
Gardner, Clinton Segment 4
Clinton Gardner went back to England and stayed in the field hospital. He had an operation using skin from his leg to...
Luckadoo, John Segment 4
John Luckadoo’s crew was the first in the 100th Bombardment Group to complete their 25 mission but Luckadoo was not...
Leahr, John Segment 4
An average escort mission would last for 5 to 6 hours but some lasted 7 hours or more. That was a long time to be in a...
Zawada, Robert Segment 4
Zawada's first time in combat was in Alsace-Lorraine. In an infantry column, the tanks were always in the lead. At a...
Phillips, Henry Segment 4
[Annotators Note: Henry Phillips served as an officer in Company M, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry...
Kalil, Louis Segment 4
Kalil thought his chance of survival was fifty percent. They traveled straight to the Ardennes Forest and stayed in a...
Shoens, Robert Segment 4
Robert Shoens was told what the plan was going to be for the Berlin raid. They went over specifics regarding flight...
Brissie, Lou Segment 4
[Annotators Note: Lou Brissie served in the army as an infantryman in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 351st Infantry Regiment...
Ford, Richard Segment 4
Richard Ford left Bampton and went through Tidworth, England. They were there in the winter of 1942 to 1943. They were...
Onesi, Anthony "Tony" Segment 4
Onesi recalls his time in the prisoner of war (POW) camps. If they were not sergeants, they would have been better off...
Murphy, Robert Segment 4
[Annotators Note: Robert Murphy served in the army as a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment,...
Baldwin, Lewis "Jack" Segment 4
When they left St. Lo, they were in dairy and farming country. The farms were laid out in squares and there were mounds...
Duchossois, Richard Segment 4
After being wounded and recovered by his men, Richard Duchossois was put on the first train out of Verdun and taken to...
Rankin, Robert "Shorty" Segment 4
Rankin's squadron [Annotator's Note: 61st Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group] had an apartment in London that the men...
Kirk, Mancel Segment 4
Mancel Kirk and his fellow Company G, 168th Infantry Regiment GIs stayed in that area for four or five days then they...
Paluch, Theodore "Ted" Segment 4
Afterwards, Paluch saw Peiper [Annotator's Note: Jochen Peiper, field officer in the Waffen-SS and personal adjutant to...
Currey, Francis S. Segment 4
The GI that helped Currey with the bazooka was Adam Lucero.Currey recalled the events of the actions that lead to him...
Old Coyote, Barney Segment 4
Twenty minutes out of his home base and Barney Old Coyote was in enemy territory. is first mission was to Rouen, France...
Jackson, Donald Segment 4
In Africa they were out in the desert were the French Foreign Legion was training and were headquartered. They worked...
Bell, Bryan Segment 4
Bell and his men got up that morning and as they stood in formation outside the house, the Germans woke up and walked...
Schmedemann, Keith Segment 4
They proceeded on and went to the Rhine River, in the town of Remagen. Troops ahead of them had secured the Remagen...
Doi, Michael Segment 4
While Michael Doi was overseas his family and everyone he knew from Oxnard [Annotators Note: Oxnard, California] was...
Biddle, Melvin Segment 4
Biddle was not allowed to return to combat because he was being put up for the Medal of Honor. He was told that he had...
Christie, Robert Segment 4
Robert Christie was in combat for a few weeks before his tank was hit. They had to bail out of their tank. He was not...
Ohr, Freddie Segment 4
Freddie Ohr was given a depth perception test. The depth perception test was kind of tricky. It entailed having Ohr...
Pisanos, Steve Segment 4
Steve Pisanos flew the Spitfire, the P-51 Mustang, and the P-47. To him the Spitfire was the best for defending a city...
Diamond, Joseph Segment 4
[Annotators Note: Joseph Diamond served in the army as a combat medic with the 413th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry...
Woods, Edward Segment 4
Of all the ports Woods visited he liked Panama the best because it was like being back at home. There was a good...
Spivey, Leonard Segment 4
Leonard Spivey had to part ways with the “Georgia Rebel” and Ocie Jones. The next mission of importance was when Spivey...
Noack, John Segment 4
John Noack and his crew finally got a plane. They took their time in breaking it in. Finally they received orders to go...
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