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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Evans, Donald Rejoining His Outfit
Donald Evans landed in England and went to the 187th General Hospital for more surgeries and then to another hospital...
Stefaniak, Joe Rejoining His Outfit
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer tells a story about another soldier talking about hand-to-hand combat.] Joseph...
Duhon, Larris Rejoining His Regiment
Larris Duhon rejoined his regiment [Annotator’s Note: the 300th Engineer Combat Battalion] after five months in the...
Brooks, James Relationships and P-51s
James "Jim" L. Brooks [Annotator's Note: a pilot in the 307th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, 15th Air Force]...
Ridyard, Herbert Relatives in Great Britain
Herbert W. Ridyard turned down a leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time] to...
Dahme, Maud Relatives Sent to Sobibor
[Annotator's Note: Maud Dahme and her sister were reunited with their parents in April 1945 after hiding from the Nazis...
Broll, Walter Release of Mustard Gas at Bari
Walter Broll and the Grace Abbott left Bari the day after the attack. It appeared that the Abbott may have been the...
Gordon, Fred Relfections
Fred Gordon's most memorable experience about World War 2 was being part of the division that captured Remagen Bridge...
Clark, Russell Relfections
Russell Clark matured as a result of his time in the war. He became more religious after contemplating his survival...
Pathe, Barbara Relfections on Red Cross service
The Red Cross was rewarding work for Barbara Pathe. She was always there to talk. They were always exhausted. Listening...
Pena, William Relief and Return
William Pena remembers how nervous his truck driver was when they left. He ate a big breakfast with his men at the...
Raaen, John Relieving Pointe du Hoc
John Raaen and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Headquarters Company, 5th Ranger Battalion] drove toward Saint-Pierre-du-...
Hurd, Francis Remagen Bridge, Colonel Pergrin, and the End of the War
When moving from place to place they had to keep alert. During the building of the Remagen bridge, Francis Hurd was...
Lewis, Donald Remembering Being Torpedoed
As an adult decades later, there was a disaster in the Atlantic with the Andrea Doria [Annotator's Note: the SS Andrea...
Wolnerman, David Remembering the Holocaust
David Wolnerman began to speak about his experiences of the Holocaust [Annotator's Note: also called the Shoah; the...
Nathanson, Eva Remembering the Holocaust
Nobody talked about the Holocaust with Eva Nathanson. When she first got married, there was a young couple that lived...
Mason, Raymond Remembering the Officers
Raymond Mason remembers Bruce Clark [Annotator’s Note: US Army Brigadier General Bruce Cooper Clark] who became their...
Howard, William Remembering the War
William Howard and his crew got together every two years after the war. Their copilot, Kennedy, lives in Boston [...
Burriss, Thomas Remembrances
Breen, Vernon Remnants of War
Vernon Breen somehow became the bugler for his company [Annotator's Note: Breen was a member of the Intelligence and...
McCarthy, John Repair Ship Duty
John McCarthy reached Pearl Harbor on his ship [Annotator’s Note: the repair ship USS Laertes (AR-20)]. They waited...
Forstall, Earl Repairing Planes
Earl Forstall went overseas in a B-17 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber]. They went on quite...
Grant, Olen "Reb" Repatriation
Olen Grant spent Christmas 1943 in a prison camp. For Grant, the holidays were just like any other day. Some of the...
Fitzgerald, Mack Repatriation & Return Home
Mack Fitzgerald was a B-24 Liberator flight engineer from Georgia, assigned to the 409th Bombardment Squadron, 93rd...
Grant, Olen "Reb" Repatriation test
When the two guys who wrote Stalag 17 wrote it, Grant thinks that they never dreamed of selling it in the United States...
Trindal, Wesley Replacements
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Replacements and Friends
Replacement troops to John Witmeyer's unit always reported to him so he generally learned the names of new recruits. In...
Renner, Curtis A Rescue Missions
Curtis Renner was in an air Rescue squadron [Annotator’s Note: attached at times to the Ninth Air Force] to rescue...
Lewis, Donald Rescued and Reunited
Donald Lewis was in the bottom of a lifeboat that was crowded [Annotator's Note: after the SS Athenia was struck by a...
Ananian, Stephen Rescued on His First Mission
Stephen Ananian's first combat mission was a ramrod mission, one where fighters escort bombers. Cowboys in the old days...
Shames, Edward Rescuing British Paratroopers During Operation Market Garden
Edward Shames talks about Herbert Suerth and Suerth's desire to join his platoon. Shames found it funny that Suerth...
Hirsekorn, Fred Rescuing Friends and Taking Ingolstadt
Fred Hirsekorn had been assigned a Buck Rogers tank. The Buck Rogers tank was an experimental tank with 60 four and a...
Singlaub, John Rescuing POWs
John Singlaub returned to Kunming and was met by an officer at the airplane. Orders were received from OSS [Annotator's...
Ito, Susumus Rescuing the Lost Battalion
Susumas Ito recalled jumping from tree to tree and releasing counter fire. One of the captains stepped on a land mind...
Sakato, George Rescuing the Lost Battalion and Getting the Medal of Honor
George Sakato had to go and rescue the Lost Battalion [Annotator's Note: elements of the 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry...
Grugett, George Rest Leave in Europe
George Grugett had read and studied history. He was amazed at what he saw, especially in cities like Rome [Annotator's...
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