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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Osterhoudt, Ralph Reflections on the War
Ralph Osterhoudt Sr. suffered from nightmares and post-traumatic stress [Annotator's Note: post traumatic stress...
Fitz, Robert Reflections on the War
Forgetting the war, Robert Fitz likes to remember all the wonderful things he saw in the United Kingdom, Italy, Egypt,...
Beilman, Robert Reflections on the War
World War 2 changed Robert Lewis Beilman's life because he met many people from all over the world. He was able to...
Cottrell, Edwin Reflections on the War
[Annotator’s Note: Birds chirping in the background is audible throughout this segment.] Edwin B. Cottrell’s most...
Schraub, Jesse Reflections on the War
The war changed Jesse Schraub’s life. He changed his career path from chemical engineering to accounting. He also...
Cross, William Reflections on the War
William V. Cross did not suffer from post-traumatic stress [Annotator's Note: post traumatic stress disorder; a mental...
Paschal, Robert Reflections on the War
Robert W. Paschal’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was when his plane was shot up on a mission. He fought...
Bartlett, Robert Reflections on the War
Bob Bartlett does not have a memorable experience of World War 2. He served in the war because he was drafted. He takes...
Newton, Cecil Reflections on the War
Cecil J. V. Newton’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was when he saw a German jet [Annotator's Note: German...
Dullnig, Roland Reflections on the War
Roland Dullnig’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was when he was in Lake Charles [Annotator’s Note: Lake...
Crandall, Joe Reflections on the War
Joe Crandall believes that the G.I. Bill [Annotator's Note: the G.I. Bill, or Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944,...
Miller, Irving Reflections on the War
Irving Miller joined the Army in November 1943. Prior to that, he had been in the New York National Guard. He trained...
Davis, William Reflections on the War
[Annotator’s Note: There is background noise throughout this segment.] William Isham Davis was awarded two...
Brooks, James Reflections on the War
James "Jim" L. Brooks finds it very difficult to describe aerial combat because so many things are happening is such a...
Gustafson, Gerald Reflections on the War
[Annotator’s Note: A washing machine running in the background is audible throughout this segment. Interviewee has...
Ollar, Vernon Reflections on the War
Vernon Ollar’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was D-Day [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of...
Pearce, Milton Reflections on the War
[Annotator’s Note: It is very difficult to hear the interviewer speak throughout this segment.] Milton Pearce’s most...
Altman, Daniel Reflections on the War
Daniel Altman’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was when his friend was shot on the beach of Normandy [...
Engel, Russell "Russ" Reflections on Training, Stuttgart, and awards.
[Annotator’s Note: This interview is conducted in a question and answer style]. Russell Engel was a navigator in the...
Jameson, Andrew Reflections on War
Andrew George Jameson had no feeling towards his enemy other than the general enemy represented by Hitler [Annotator's...
Roach, Paul Reflections on War
Paul Roach went away to war as a boy and came back as a man. He did not have any outstanding experiences. He had a nice...
Van Eaton, Jack Reflectons on the War
[Annotator’s Note: There is a person off camera prompting the interviewee to answer the interviewer’s questions...
Flannigan, James Refletions
James Flannigan said the war made him older and settled him down. It made him appreciate his parents and his...
Adam, Adolf Refugee Camp
Adolf Adam remembers that the propaganda from the Nazi party was on the radio all the time. He remarks that people were...
Dillon, Gerard Refusal to Jump and the Start of Operation Varsity
Gerard Dillon only had one situation where someone refused to jump. They were going to make a practice jump in France....
Tangradi, Richard Regensburg
Richard Tangradi’s missions lasted about eight hours [Annotator’s Note: while serving with the 349th Bombardment...
League, Ray Regensburg and 3rd Platoon's Surrender
Ray League and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company C, 1st Battalion, 261st Infantry Regiment, 65th Infantry Division...
Wolff, Robert Regensburg Mission
Robert Wolff was given a new plane in Kearney [Annotator’s Note: Kearney, Nebraska], and from there they went to Maine...
Dolsen, Frank Regensburg Mission
Frank Dolsen [Annotator's Note: with the 349th Bombardment Squadron, 100th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force] went on a...
Hackler, Maurice "Hack" Rehab and Court Martial Proceedings
On his return to the United States, Maurice Hackler was stationed at Camp Chaffe, Arkansas. He recieved a 30 day...
Moss, Roy Rehab, War's End and Postwar
Roy Joseph Moss spent time in a rehabilitation hospital [Annotator's Note: after being wounded in March 1945]. He was...
Singlaub, John Rehabilitating POWs
John Singlaub had a problem getting into the POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war] camp on Hainan Island. The...
Wombacher, Delbert Reims and Metz, France
Delbert Wombacher was in Reims [Annotator's Note: Reims, France]. A call came out from headquarters, who knew they had...
Marr, John W Reinforcements
After darkness fell, Lieutenant John Marr began to lead the 1st Battalion, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment back to...
Grant, Olen "Reb" Reinstate the draft
Olen Grant believes that having institutions like The National WWII Museum and continuing to teach WWII to future...
Resta, Francis "Fran" Rejection, Re-Evaluation and Unit Assignment
Because of the discrimination in the Army caste system, Francis Resta said he came to really hate the Army. But when...
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