European Theater of Operations (ETO)

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Winnecken Gerhard was captured by the Americans. He still had a rifle grenade in his pocket after being searched. He...
George F. Mills [Annotator's Note: captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter...
On 19 March 1945, Linwood S. Inscoe was on a mission [Annotator's Note: with 22nd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group...
[Annotator's Note: Leroy Redmond served in the Army as a tank crewman in Combat Command A, 14th Armored Division and...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Guitard was assigned to the Prisoner of War Enclosure 339, Prisoner of War Information Bureau...
As Earl Flanagan and his unit [Annotator's Note: 71st Infantry Division] marched through Germany, he noticed that there...
The Red Cross had to raise 75,000 dollars for the statue [Annotator’s Note: for a Red Cross memorial]. It was made by...
After two weeks at Auschwitz-Birkenau [Annotator's Note: Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp...
Richard Willett got into a mountainous area. His jeep driver was from North Carolina. A Lieutenant decided to ride in...
Fred Hirsekorn's first combat was in the Vosges Mountains. They moved so much and so fast that they all lost track of...
Donald E. Casey served as a navigator for the 379th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force in Kimbolton, England flying B-17s...
Asked if any of the Nuremberg defendants showed any remorse, Whitney Harris said that in his opinion, the only one who...
Kenneth R. Williams [Annotator’s Note: a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter pilot in the 355th Fighter Group, 354th...
[Annotator's Note: There is a very loud humming noise throughout this clip.] When he hit the beach [Annotator's Note:...
Norman Johnson remembered fighting through the hedgerow and using machine guns to fight the enemy. [Annotator's note:...
[Annotator's Note: Joseph O'Donnell was a prisoner on the Black March in February 1945.] One officer guard got them...
The Germans were very proud people. They always managed to put on hats and some kind of gloves. Somehow or other, John...
Stanley Jack Birnbaum worked on the battery component in the development of the proximity fuse. He explains the process...
Barbara Heming's story is similar to all of those Germans who came from the east during the bleak period in the 1940s...
John Singlaub was trained by the British Special Forces. Some of the training included assuming an artificial...
Joseph Brannan returned to Melville, Rhode Island as a PT boat instructor [Annotator's Note: at the Motor Torpedo Boat...
Solis “Sol” Kaslow felt the PT boat was wonderful and outstanding for the job assigned [Annotator’s Note: Kaslow served...
Joseph Brannan had never ridden on a PT boat [Annotator's Note: Patrol Torpedo boat] prior to his assignment to his...
Norris Bucksell says he needs a lot of sleep. He goes to mass every night. [Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks him...
Glen Jostad reveals the terrors of dreams he suffered resulting from his years of being a prisoner of war held by the...
After being a prisoner of war in Germany, Donald E. Casey returned to the United States and suffered from post...
Melvin Dahlberg's first time abroad was in Italy which was very rundown. The local people were begging for food. He...
Joseph Monteyne goes to schools with about 15 others to talk about the war. The kids are super attentive. His own...
David Roderick was discharged as soon as the war was over. When he was home he had bad dreams and once he hit the...
Walter Gaterman had post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD decades after the war. He met Vietnam veterans who had it...
Eva Nathanson knew the first director of the Holocaust Museum [Annotator's Note: Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust]...
[Annotator's Note: Eva Schloss is an Austrian born Jew who fled to Amsterdam with her family after the Nazis came to...
John Steven Getway [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper with the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division...
Richard Boyd was wounded on 22 January [Annotator's Note: 22 January 1945]. His Purple Heart was awarded for frozen...
John Foy wanted to mention something about the quartermasters. They were mostly black units, relegated to unloading...
On one raid, Bernard Smith remembers a plane behind them burst into flames. His first reaction was that it was pretty....
