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European Theater of Operations (ETO)
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Evans, Donald Prewar Life to Enlistment
Donald Evans was born August 1923 in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. He had three brothers and a sister who was the oldest...
Bebko, Robert Prewar Life to Enlistment
Robert Stephen Bebko was born in Erie, Pennsylvania in October 1925. There were three girls and five boys in his family...
Bueker, Robert Prewar Life to Enlistment
Robert Bueker was born in July 1924 in Omaha, Nebraska. He finished high school in 1942. [Annotator's Note: The...
Nacey, Ed Prewar Life to Enlistment
[Annotator's Note: The audio for this interview is very low.] Edward Nacey was born in September 1922 in Duluth,...
Jordan, James Prewar Life to Enlistment
James Jordan was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania in February 1927. He went to a military academy at 15. He had no...
Galbraith, Wendell Prewar Life to Enlistment
Wendell Galbraith was born in Detroit [Annotator's Note: Detroit, Michigan] in January 1925. He had two sisters and one...
Davis, Jack Prewar Life to Enlistment
[Annotator's Note: Conversation between some people off-camera can be heard throughout this clip.] Jack Davis...
O'Connor, Robert Prewar Life to Enlistment
Robert W. "Bob" O'Connor was born in Carey, Ohio in 1923. He went into the service in Indianapolis [Annotator's Note:...
Baum, Irving Prewar Life to Enlistment
Irving Baum was born in September 1923 in Monticello, New York. [Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Baum to...
Dorsey, Mason Prewar Life to Enlistment
Mason Dorsey was born in July 1925 in Chester, South Carolina. He grew up during the Depression [Annotator's Note: The...
Eakes, Thomas Prewar Life to Enlistment
Thomas Eakes was born in November 1922 in Beaumont [Annotator's Note: Beaumont, Texas]. He had one older brother. His...
Fallon, John Prewar Life to Enlistment
John T. Fallon was born in March 1922 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He had one older sister and three younger brothers...
Dietrick, Alfred Prewar Life to Enlistment
Alfred Dietrick was born in December 1921 in San Antonio, Texas. His life was happy. His father was a carpenter when he...
Walker, Charles Prewar Life to Enlistment
Charles Walker was born on a farm near Sumner, Georgia. When you live on a farm family, everybody works. He did not...
Lederer, Henry Prewar Life to Enlistment
Henry Lederer was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut in March 1920. His father was a watchmaker and jeweler who came to...
Kennedy, Irvin F. Prewar Life to Enlistment
Irvin Kennedy was born and raised in Algiers [Annotator's Note: Algiers neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana] and...
Tyler, Vernon Prewar Life to Enlistment
Vernon Leo Tyler was born in August 1923 in Los Angeles, California. There was no work [Annotator's Note: during The...
Smith, Charles Prewar Life to Enlistment
Charles R. Smith was born in Chicago, Illinois in June 1924. His father was a window washer. His mother was a housewife...
Bluestein, Bernard "Bernie" Prewar Life to Enlistment
[Annotator's Note: There is a loud hissing noise throughout this clip.] Bernard B. "Bernie" Bluestein was born in...
Rozett, Walter Prewar Life to Enlistment
Walter Rozett was born in the Bronx, New York [Annotator's Note: the Bronx is one of the five boroughs in New York, New...
Cole, Harold Prewar Life to Enlistment
Harold Stanford Cole was born in New York in 1924. He grew up in a poor family. He loved the 1920s and 1930s. They had...
Berman, Stanley Prewar Life to Enlistment
Stanley Berman was born in September 1920 in Columbus, Ohio, moved to Cleveland, Ohio, and finally to Cincinnati [...
Kofsky, Bernard Prewar Life to Enlistment
[Annotator's Note: Video glitches several times throughout this segment.] Bernard Kofsky was born in Brooklyn, New York...
King, William Prewar Life to Enlistment
William King was born October 1925 in Brooklyn, New York. It was a nice community that was rather mixed, Italians and...
Lochra, Albert Prewar Life to Enlistment
Albert Pultz Lochra, Jr. was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania in August 1925. They lived in a coaling town named Amend [...
Coop, Willard Prewar Life to Enlistment
Willard Haul "Jack" Coop was born in April 1924 in Sulphur, Kentucky. He grew up with two younger sisters. His family...
Stachel, Robert Prewar Life to Enlistment
Robert A. Stachel was born in June 1924 in Hamtramck, Michigan. Growing up during the Depression [Annotator's Note: the...
Langrehr, Henry Prewar Life to Enlistment
Henry Langrehr grew up during the Great Depression in Clinton [Annotator's Note: Clinton, Iowa]. It was a hard time....
Gabour, James Prewar Life to Enlistment
James Anthony Gabour was born in October 1913 in Texarkana, Texas. He grew up with five brothers and four sisters. His...
Lesniewski, Joseph Prewar Life to Enlistment
Joseph Lesniewski was born in Erie, Pennsylvania in August 1920. He had one brother and three sisters growing up. He...
McKay, Edgar Prewar Life to Enlistment
Edgar L. McKay was born on 2 January 1925 in Gulfport [Annotator's Note: Gulfport, Mississippi]. He had four sisters...
Monteyne, Joseph Prewar Life to Enlistment
Joseph Monteyne was a navigator with the RCAF [Annotator's Note: Royal Canadian Air Force] 425 Squadron, also known as...
Inge, Herndon Prewar Life to Europe
Herndon Inge, Junior was born in Chickasaw, Alabama. His father had worked there in the shipyards in World War 1. Inge...
McDermott, James Prewar Life to FLying Anti-Submarine Patrols
James J. McDermott was born in Clearfield, Pennsylvania in October 1920. He worked for a brick manufacturing plant and...
Colson, Earl Prewar Life to France
Earl Colson was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in November 1924. He had two brothers. His dad was a caretaker at the...
Magnifico, Charles Prewar Life to France
Charles Magnifico was born in 1923 in Jersey City, New Jersey during the Depression [Annotator's Note: The Great...
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