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Soldiers awaiting orders near California bridge during training maneuvers at San Louis Obispo, California on 28 March 1944.
1030. Soldiers awaiting orders near California bridge during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Von Stroheim. Another view...
Body of soldier killed in training accident in San Luis Obispo, California on 5 April 1944
1212. '4-5-44. Lt. A. Burgin. View #3 showing the remains of Pvt Norman A. Badders, 20, of 'B' Btry, 483rd AAA Bn,...
Troops of the 106th Infantry Division watch a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1986. '11 Aug 44. Barry. In the background of the troops of the 106th Inf. Div. is the field on which the Artillery-...
81st Infantry Division servicemen marching throughout California landscape during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on14 March 1944.
878. 81st Infantry Division servicemen marching throughout California landscape during training exercises. '3-14-44....
Detail of bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1392. '11 July 44. Farrand. General view of arch type bridge over Uchee Creek, Alabama Area, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168...
Soldiers operating an SCR 284 radio set at Fort Benning on 13 October 1944
1765. '13 Oct 44. Zoff. L to R Pvt Harold E. Smith, PFC Samuel E. Levine and T/4 Warren T. Sousa operating radio set...
Colonel Frank L. Pearson during inspection at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 19 September 1944
2167. '19 Sept. 44 Kilian. 'E' Co., 422nd. Inf. Reft., 106th Inf. Div., being inspected by Col. Frank L. Pearson from...
Flame thrower being demonstrated at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma on 15 June 1944
1241. '6-15-44. D. Wallis. Flame Throwers of 42nd Rainbow Division, are fired for benefit of spectators of Infantry Day...
Soldiers practice throwing grenades in to the second floor from windows in the first floor at Fort Benning, Georgia on 17 July 1944
1530. '17 July 44. Farrand. Lt. George T. Singley and Lt. Ernest B. Smith of the 5th Bn., 26th Co., 3rd STR, practice...
Students of the Communication Section review Artillery Communication at Fort Benning, Georgia on 7 July 1944
1350. '7 July 44. Griggs. Students of the Communication Section TIS in background review Artillery Communication set-up...
Armaments repair class in San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944
1136. '3-29-44. Riley. 2nd Lt. Leonard Marcum, section leader in charge of Small Arms Section and Instrument repair...
Log exercises during physical training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 October 1944
1669. '6 Oct 44. Griggs. Lt Verdayn John, instructor and squad of men doing log exercises during physical training of...
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