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Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 27 June 1944
1297. '27 June 1944. Boll Having checked and rechecked his position, Lt. Heavey bails-out in perfect form. 168-L-44-...
M-4 medium tanks move in under time fire bursts from a 105mm howitzer during a demonstration given at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
2026. '11 August 44. Kilian. M-4 medium tanks move in under time fire bursts from 105mm howitzer during a mock attack...
Soldier demonstrates one of the steps in preparing an explosive charge at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1465. '12 July 44. Hussey. Place cap well inside of explosive and tie cap assembly securely into block. Lt. Wm. B....
Paratrooper training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 26 June 1944
1306. '26 June 1944. Von Stroheim. S/S T. Boltinghouse, Hq. Co. 542nd Paratroop Infantry Battalion keeps in contact...
Attaching military equipment to deck of LST during training in California on 8 March 1944
819. US servicemen attaching military equipment to deck of LST [Landing Ship, Tank] with chains during training...
Camouflaged 1 ton weapons carrier at San Luis Obispo, California. 30 March 1944.
1048. '3-30-44. Hussey. Camouflaged 1 ton weapons carrier. Main use is as prime mover for 57 mm gun of 323 A T Co....
Weighing out cabbages during ration breakdown at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1912. '3-24-44. Boll. 43rd QM Rhd Co at Jolon 'A' Ration Breakdown for Service Troops at #2 Truckhead. Lt. R.L. Wilson...
Margaret D. Bailey sorting mail at the Army Post Office, Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 July 1944
1447. '12 July 44. Bradlor. Margaret D. Bailey sorting mail at the Army Post Office, Fort Benning, Georgia. 168-L-44-...
Explosive device used during training at Fort Benning, Georgia on 9 October 1944
1680. '9 Oct 44. Johnson. Experiment by TPS Demolition School, Ft Benning, Ga, using Rockett head HEAT M6A3. Top plate...
Chow time for soldiers of the 71st Infantry Division at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 10 March 1944
1797. '3-10-44. Paik. Hq. Co, 2nd Bn, 14th Inf, 71st Div field kitchen along the bank of the Naciemento River serving...
Major General Allen W. Jones of the 106th Infantry Division speaks at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 11 August 1944
1988. '11 Aug 44. Barry. Maj. Gen. Allen W. Jones, Div. Commander of the 106th Inf. Div. speaks to the troops prior to...
Bulldozers lined up on pontoon bridge to enter LST during amphibious training exercises at Avila Beach, California on15 March 1944.
896. Bulldozers lined up on pontoon bridge to enter LST during amphibious training exercises. '3-15-44. Boll. Equipment...
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