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The 5th Marine Division places steel matting over the soft sands of Iwo Jima beach on February 1945
556.Photograph. 'CinCPac 5371 27 February 1945 'Rush Job' While foxholes and gun emplacements are hurriedly camouflaged...
Marines display Japanese battle flags captured on Iwo Jima in February 1945
526.Photograph 'CinCPac 8017 25 February 1945 Prize of battle Fifth Division Marines, grouped behind their light...
Soldier with flame-thrower is supported by Marine riflemen on Iwo Jima in February 1945
557.Photograph 'CinCPac 8005 26 February 1945 Last Stand A die-hard Jap [Japanese] on Iwo Jima gets a blast of liquid...
Entrance to the 5th Marine Division cemetery, Iwo Jima, Japan, 1945
Photograph. 5th Marine Division cemetery with American flag at half-mast on Iwo Jima; Mount Suribachi in background. "...
US Marine standing in front of a group of Japanese school boys, Sasebo, 1945
Photograph. United States Marine assigned to the 5th Marine Division standing with his rifle at his side in front of a...
US Marine band playing on a pier, Japan, 1945
Photograph. United States Marine band playing on a pier; a ship is docked in the background. Official caption on front...
5th Division Marines during a flag raising ceremony, Japan, 1945
Photograph. United States Marines saluting as an American flag is raised at naval base. Official caption on front: "5th...
Lieutenant General Keller Emrick Rockey speaking on field phone during invasion of Iwo Jima in February 1945
Lieutenant General Keller Emrick Rockey, commander of the Fifth Marine Division, in the battle of Iwo Jima, speaking on...
Photograph of 5th Marine Division cemetery with image of Marines invading beaches in sky on Iwo Jima in 1945
Photograph of 5th Marine Division cemetery with image of Marines invading beaches in sky. Official caption:'"Montage of...
Aerial view of Iwo Jima under attack in March 1945
527.Photograph. 'File Number: TR-12927 March 13, 1945 Iwo Jima: Bloody milestone on Tokyo Road Launching the Marines on...
US Soldier guards destroyed Japanese artillery piece on Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima on 24 February 1945
558.Photograph 'CinCPac 8006 26 February 1945 Mountain Fortress The rugged cliff above made this mighty Jap emplacement...
Varone, Francis "Dick" A Marine in Combat
On Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: with the 5th Marine Division during the Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945...
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