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A German Naval and a German Army officer in the custody of American officers in Cherbourg, France on 26 June 1944
A German Naval and a German Army officer in the custody of American officers. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 5963 Petrony...
German soldiers are seen from an aerial view of their fortification in Cherbourg, France on 29 June 1944
German soldiers are seen from an aerial view of their fortification. Official caption: "ETO HQ 44 6263 Reshovsky 29...
A German-speaking American soldier interrogates a German prisoner in Mutzig, France on 5 December 1944
A German-speaking American soldier interrogates a German prisoner. Official caption: "6AG 7A-27515/ ETO HQ 44 28506 5...
German prisoners of war smoking in Portbail, France on 4 July 1944
German prisoners of war smoking. Official caption: "Confidential. Not to be published. Field press censor. 102. SHAEF 4...
German snipers surrendering to US Army soldiers, Doucelles, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldier pointing a handgun at two surrendering German soldiers; the Germans have their...
Surrendering German soldiers crossing bridge in Europe in October 1944
Surrendering German soldiers crossing bridge. "ETO-HQ-44-16836. Clancy. 6 Oct. Signal corps photo. German prisoners...
In the War Room in Rhiems for the surrender of the Germans in May 1945
In the War Room in Rhiems. "ETO-HQ-45-45310. Meserlin, Jr. 6 May. Signal corps photo. In the war room of Supreme Allied...
German prisoners surrender in France in June 1944
German prisoners emerge from a bunker. "ETO-HQ-44-5933. Franklin. 27 June. Signal corps photo. German prisoners as they...
German commanders signing surrender documents in France in May 1945
German commanders at the negotiating table. "ETO-HQ-45-45311. Meserlin, Jr., 6 May. Signal corps photo. Terms of...