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American soldier crouches over dead German soldier, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US soldier examining dead German soldier. Official caption on front: "MM-5-152582." Official caption on...
Photograph of a German propaganda leaflet with image of a German soldier reading: 'I tell you, these Germans are damned good soldiers!' quoted by General Montgomery. dropped on Fifth Army troops by Germans in Italy, circa 1944.
67.Photograph. Photograph of a German propaganda leaflet with image of a German soldier and the text: 'I tell you,...
Allied troops escort a large group of German prisoners up a dusty mountain road in Italy, circa 1944-45
85.Photograph. Allied [probably Brazilian] troops escorting a large group of German prisoners up dusty mountain road....
Military truck in flames, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Dead German prisoners of war are in and near a burning military truck. Official caption on front: "MM-5-...
German prisoners captured on Italian front line in October 1944
318.Photograph '5 Oct 44. Fifth Army, Italy. German prisoners captured above a front line O.P. by members of the 362nd...
US soldiers examine a deceased German soldier lying on a rocky hillside, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US soldiers examining dead German soldier on mountaintop. Official caption on front: "MM-5-152754."...
An Allied soldier examines POW tags on two young German soldiers in Italy on 24 October 1944
347.Photograph. An Allied soldier examines POW [prisoner of war] tags on two young German soldiers. '24 Oct. 1944. 5/MM...
Group of bodies of deceased German soldiers, San Vittore, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Allied medics stand around a large group of bodies of deceased German soldiers. Official caption on front...
German soldiers and vehicles in northern Italy in 194-
German soldiers, two in an Opel truck and an Unteroffizer behind the tailgate of the truck, a wagon with spoked wheels...
British soldiers pass the corpses of German soldiers on a country track, Italy, 1944
Photograph. British soldiers pass the corpses of German soldiers on a country track. Official caption on front: "MM-5-...
A member of the German Gebirgsjger in Italy in 194-
The Hauptfeldwebel soldier in the foreground is a Gebirgsjger (Mountain Troops) and has been awarded the Wound Badge,...
US soldier captures two German soldiers, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US soldier captures two German soldiers. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-3643." Official caption on...
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