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US servicemen listening to a sergeant discuss airplane recognition in California in June 1943
Slide. US servicemen listening to sergeant discuss airplane recognition, using a visual aid, in outdoor classroom. "...
Sherman tank crew during training exercises in Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944
975. Sherman tanks and crew during training exercises. 3-28-44. Griggs. 1st platoon Co A 710th tank Bn. Camp Cooke,...
A 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7/M7 Priest on pontoon bridge to enter LST during amphibious training exercises at Avila Beach, California on15 March 1944.
897. A 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7/M7 Priest on pontoon bridge to enter LST during amphibious training exercises...
Radio controlled target plane crew in San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1177. "4-1-44. Hussey. Radio controlled target plane crew with Hq. Det., Special Troops, III Corps, packed and ready to...
US servicemen resting during training exercises at Morro Bay, California on 26 February 1944
US servicemen resting during training exercises. "2-26-44. Hussey. Critique with 1st bn 322nd Inf [322nd Infantry...
Umpire searching private for live ammunition after being ruled out of action during maneuvers at Camp San Luis Obispo, California on 30 March 1944
1068. '3-30-44. Paik. Umpire searching Pvt. Hobart Cable for live ammunition after being ruled out of action during...
American soldier in the desert, Desert Training Center, 1942
Photograph. United States Army soldier squatting and pointing at the camera while standing in the desert. Development...
Soldier awarded medal in San Luis Obispo, California on 3 April 1944
1188. '4-3-44. Paik. The Soldiers Medal is presented to Sgt. Harold F. Sabath of Hq. Co. 1138th Engineer Combat Group,...
. M4 Sherman tanks driving through California landscape during training maneuvers at Lompoc, California on 28 March 1944.
955. M4 Sherman tanks driving through California landscape during training maneuvers. '3-28-44. Riley. Three medium...
Chow time for soldiers of the 71st Infantry Division at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 10 March 1944
1800. '3-10-44. Paik. Temporary field kitchen along the banks of the Naciemento River belong to HQ Co, 2nd Bn, 14th Inf...
US soldier taking down message in Morro Bay, California on 27 March 1944
1093. '3-27-44. Preciado. Sgt. Thomas Halyburton from C.P. from HQ. Reg. 323rd 81st Div. in radio command Jeep, taking...
The 170th Engineer Combat Battalion during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944
1829. '3-22-44. Du Tiel. During a short break, Engrs of C Co look north across the rough terrain to Osborne's Peak,...
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