A Signal Corps pigeon has a message capsule attached to its leg during maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944

1856. '3-22-44. Freeney. A Sig Corps pigeon has a message capsule attached to its leg. This bird was placed in a small cage with 5 other pigeons and parachuted to the troops of the 71st Div by use of a 9 foot parachute during maneuvers at HLMR. This method is used to supply troops operating in difficult terrain. Pigeons are supplies to both the 71st and 89th Divisions by the 1st Combat Section, 1st Platoon, 263rd Sig Pigeon Company. HLMR Mtn. Man. 168-9-44-605.' Army Signal Corps photograph Photographer: Freeney. Hunter Liggett Military Reservation. 22 March 1944