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LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] putting off smoke screen during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 6 March 1944
825. LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] putting off smoke screen during training exercises. '3-6-44. Zoff. LCI putting out...
LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] putting off smoke screen during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 6 March 1944.
826. LCI [Landing Craft, Infantry] putting off smoke screen during training exercises. '3-6-44. Zoff. LCI putting out...
81st Infantry Division soldiers taking hill during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on14 March 1944.
857. 81st Infantry Division soldiers taking hill during training exercises. '3-14-44. Preciado. Co C, Rifle Co of 323rd...
Bombardment of the USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. Bombardment of the USS Stewart (DD-224) from USS PC-799. A burst of water and smoke rise from midship. San...
Smoke from the destruction of the USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. Smoke from the intentional destruction of the USS Stewart (DD-224) can be seen drifting over Alcatraz...
Smoke from the destruction of the USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. Smoke from the intentional destruction of the USS Stewart (DD-224) can be seen drifting over Alcatraz...
Smoke rises from the USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. Smoke rises from the USS Stewart (DD-224) as it sinks. San Francisco Bay, California. 24 May 1946
Bombardment of the USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. Color-tinted photograph of the bombardment of the USS Stewart (DD-224) from USS PC-799. A burst of water...
Bombardment of the USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. Bombardment of the USS Stewart (DD-224) from USS PC-799. A burst of water and smoke rise from midship. San...
Damaged USS Stewart, California, May 1946
Photograph. A close-up of the damage done to the USS Stewart (DD-224) by Navy Air Corps airplanes. Smoke and fire is...