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Oil tank blazes on Tarakan Island, Borneo, 1945
Photograph. Australian soldiers, carrying communication gear, stand near a burning oil tank on a hill. Official Caption...
Australian troops landing at Balikpapan, Borneo, 1945
Photograph. Troops of the Australian Seventh Infantry Division heading for tropical shore in landing craft; large cloud...
Australian soldiers and jeeps with trailers on landing beach near Lutong, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Two naked Australian soldiers and two Jeeps with trailers on landing beach. The naked soldier on the left...
Refugee family on beach near Seria, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Refugee family sitting on a log with their belongings at sandy beach. Note the conical hat, straw baskets,...
Cargo ship surrounded by landing crafts at Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph. Cargo ship surrounded by landing crafts. Note the battleships firing toward the coast in the background and...
Burning oil wells near Seria, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Thick black smoke rising from burning oil wells fired by retreating Japanese troops. Notice the burning...
Australian convoy rolling on beach near Seria, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Military convoy of two jeeps with trailers and four 2-½ ton truck rolling on the beach. Note the heavy...
Anti-aircraft gun and turret aboard landing craft near Lutong, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. View of 20 mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft gun and turret aboard boat. This gun was a standard armament of LCIs (...
Amphibious operation at Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph. Heavy black smoke rising from a tropical island. Notice LCIs (Landing Craft, Infantry) covered with the...
Smoke screen covering Allied landings on Sadu Island, June 1945
Photograph. Distant view of a smoke screen covering Allied landings on Sadu Island; small rockets/missiles launching...
Allied vehicles and troops on Balikpapan Beach, Borneo, July 1945
Photograph. Allied vehicles and troops among equipment, debris, damaged buildings, and damaged palm trees on Balikpapan...
Australian Troops in U.S. landing craft at beach, Balikpapan, Borneo, June 1945
Photograph. Australian Troops in U.S. landing craft at Balikpapan landing beach; Official Caption: [damaged] "...
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