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U.S. Army Nurse wearing raincoat, 1941-45
Photograph, portrait. U.S. Army Nurse wearing a water repellent, wind resistant overcoat of olive drab poplin. It has a...
by U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Harvey E. Billig Jr. provides new treatment for paralysis, 1945
Photograph. U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Harvey E. Billig Jr., of the Medical Corps, uses a hand rivet gun on the...
Army nurses march in formation, 1943
Photograph. US Army nurses in uniform marching. Location unknown. 1943
Army nurses sit in the back of a truck, 1943
Photograph. A group US Army nurses in uniform and helmets sit in the back of a covered military truck. Presumably...
Two Army nurses near a river, Virginia, 1943
Photograph. Two US Army nurses crouching near Virginia river. Personal caption on photo reverse:"Nurses, A P Hill, '...
Three unidentified US servicemen and a nurse in an unknown location in 1944-45
Three unidentified US servicemen and nurse. Location unknown. 1944-45
Nurses riding in a Jeep during World War II
98.Photograph. U.S. Army nurses in olive drab dress uniforms, garrison caps, and sunglasses, riding in Jeep. Location...
Nurses in an unknown location in the early 1940s
99.Photograph. U.S. Army nurses in olive drab dress uniforms outside train cars. Location unknown. 194-
A nurse demonstrates the use of a new tourniquet, June 1945
Photograph. A nurse demonstrates the use of a new tourniquet. Official Caption: "Rome, 6/6/45--Gangrene-eliminating...